Blue Wave Meet & Greet 2021-22
September 9, 2021Greetings, P.K. Yonge Families! Welcome to the Blue Wave Virtual Meet & Greet! This year we invite you to visit your students’ classrooms virtually and to meet some of the people on campus who work with and serve our students.
Click on the links below and enjoy the 2021-22 Blue Wave Virtual Meet & Greet!
Dr. Geiger’s Welcome
Visit School Counseling for videos from our four school counselors:
Mr. Stevenson (Elementary), Mrs. Carbajales (Middle School), Mr. Chambliss (High School A-J) , Ms. Edmondson (High School K-Z).
Elementary School
Visit Class Pages or the links below.
K/1 Learning Community
– Check your email for instructions from your student’s teachers.
2/3 Learning Community – Check your email for instructions from your student’s teachers.
4/5 Learning Community – Visit the 4/5 Learning Community page for videos by your student’s teachers.
Visit the Art | Music | Physical Education pages for videos by your student’s specials teachers.
Middle School
Visit Class Pages on the web to find all of your students classes organized by grade level, with a section for additional course options. Click on the link to each class to watch a video by your student’s teachers.
High School
Visit Class Pages on the web and find all of your students classes organized by discipline. Click on the link to each class to watch a video by your student’s teachers.
Don’t forget to stop by the Lunch/Cafeteria page for a welcome from Beth Kavanagh, our cafeteria manager and a reminder that all school meals are provided FREE for the 2021-22 school year!
Behavior & Discipline
Visit the Behavior & Discipline page to meet our behavior coaches, Coach Ryan Stewart (Elementary) and.Coach Rob Brunson (Secondary).
Visit the Clubs & Athletics pages to find information about our athletics program and sports teams, and find club opportunities for students along with video introductions from club sponsors.
While You’re Here…
Visit a few other important pages on our website:
Announcements | Clinic | Campus Health – COVID 19 | Dates | Student & Family Services | Traffic
Meet the Faculty & Staff
Contact information and biographical information for the faculty and staff at P.K. Yonge can be found on the Faculty & Staff page.
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