Soccer (Boys)
2024-25 Boys Soccer Information
2024-25 Boys Soccer Information
Interest Registration Link
Must be filled out by interested athletes by October 14, 2024:
All athletes must have an updated FHSAA physical form on file with the school (FHSAA Physical and FHSAA Parent Consent) If you are new to PK Yonge, you also need to complete the Recruiting Policy Affidavit.
Forms must be uploaded to the FHSAA Athletic Clearance website. Do not turn in physical copies of your forms.
Monday, October 14 and Tuesday, October 15 at 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM at PKY Soccer Field. Everyone should wear cleats, shin guards, athletic attire, and bring at least one full water bottle . Please put your name on everything you bring to the field. On Wednesday morning, we will release a list of finalists for our team. After seeing the finalists on Wednesday and Thursday, we will make a final decision.
Soccer Practices
M – F from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at PKY Soccer field. Everyone should wear cleats, shin guards, athletic attire, practice shirts, and bring at least one full water bottle. Please put your name on everything you bring to the field.
Team Fees
Each JV and Varsity athlete is asked to make a voluntary contribution of $250, which supports our season. The money goes toward uniforms, equipment, team social events, banquet hall rental, banquet catering, transportation, and other fees. No one will be denied participation for not paying. However, if you have a financial hardship, please reach out to Coach De Leon or Coach Flournoy as assistance may be available to support your portion.Checks should be made payable to University of Florida with Boys Soccer Fees in the memo line. Checks should be delivered to Coach De Leon at practice or Coach Flournoy in the front office. The Business Office is not able to accept checks for this purpose.
Upon team fee payment confirmation, all uniform equipment belongs to the player. No need to return anything.
2024-25 TENTATIVE Schedules
These are the games that have been penciled in as of today. Once the preseason starts, a few changes are always expected. We will keep this schedule updated as changes come our way and as schools confirm games and sign contracts through FHSAA.