Angie Flavin – Teacher of the Year 2020

October 22, 2018

The ability to inspire children from all backgrounds and abilities, combined with being held in high esteem by her colleagues, her students, and students’ families, Angie Flavin is an obvious choice for P.K. Yonge’s Teacher of the Year for 2020.

With expertise in special education and a teaching philosophy firmly rooted in the belief that ALL children can learn in a classroom context, Angie Flavin’s career has been characterized by a commitment to earning student trust, building student confidence, and developing their capacity to learn.

Angie has been at P.K. Yonge since 1998, wearing a number of different educator hats on campus. From support teacher, to classroom teacher, to learning community leader, Angie is a gifted educator who can be both flexible and strategic. Her strong leadership qualities are presented in the form of a warm and caring teacher and colleague.

Developing projects and structures to support student independence, sharing strategies with parents to support student success at home, and designing efficient and effective professional learning for colleagues are just some of the activities that Angie undertakes in her quest to improve learning experiences and student engagement. In her own academic pursuits, her focus is clear – to make learning accessible for all students. With a bachelor’s degree in speech and language and a master’s in Special Education, Angie is how taking on a doctoral program in special education to to complete her academic portfolio.

At P.K. Yonge, designing, testing and sharing innovations carried out on the campus is the school’s mission. Angie engages in this work through developing creative and strategic learning interventions and evaluating their effectiveness, by presenting her work at professional conferences, and through the mentoring relationships she has developed with more than 25 teacher interns. She has shared her work at conferences including the Florida Literacy Conference, the National Association of State Directors of Migrant Education Conference, and the National At-risk Education Conference and is an active participant in the action research teacher inquiry symposium that is carried out on the P.K. Yonge campus each year.

In the classroom, her love of her students is clear. When asked what words of support she offers when her students are taking a test, she responded, “Believe in yourself, you are amazing, you are kind, you are wonderful. Most of all, I love you!” And her students love her.

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