Weapons on Campus
For a detailed description, please read the Code of Student Conduct located on the Policies and Publications page.
WEAPONS (excerpt from Code of Student Conduct)
Weapons, and the use of weapons, are prohibited on school property, including school vehicles, at school-sponsored activities and in any vehicle brought onto school property or to a school-sponsored activity. Violation of this prohibition is a serious breach of conduct. (A definition of “Weapons” is found in the Code of Student Conduct.)
1. Firearms/Explosives
Students may not have in their possession, sell, distribute, display, transfer or use any firearm or explosive, whether operable or inoperable. If a student brings or is in possession of a firearm at school, the student may be dismissed and referred for criminal prosecution. [F.S. 1006.07(2)(l)]
2. Other Weapons
If a student possesses, sells, distributes, displays or transfers a weapon of any type, other than a firearm or explosive, the student will be suspended from school for five (5) to ten (10) days and the Principal may recommend that the student be expelled. Fireworks of any type are included in this category.
If a student brings a weapon, as defined in Chapter 790, F.S. to school, the student may be expelled and referred for criminal prosecution. [F.S. 1006.07(2)(l)]
If a student uses a weapon of any type, including pointed or sharp instruments such as ice picks, penknives, or razor blades, the student will be suspended from school for ten (10) days and the Principal may recommend that the student be expelled.
3. Pocket Knives and Blunt-Bladed Table Knives
If a student possesses, sells, distributes, displays, or transfers a pocket knife or blunt-bladed table knife the student will be disciplined in accordance with Section 3: Discipline for Misconduct.
4. Non-Weapons Used as Weapons
If a student uses as a weapon any article or substance not normally considered a weapon (e.g. rocks, pens, pencils, plastic knives), the student will be suspended for ten (10) days, and the Principal may recommend that the student be expelled.