Emergency Telephone Numbers


For assistance in a medical or safety emergency, use numbers listed below.

When you call:
1. Identify yourself and the specific location of the emergency.
2. Describe what has occurred.  Be concise and factual.

Normal Business Hours Evenings/Weekends
Fire/Police/Medical 911
(9-911 from a PK phone)
(9-911 from a PK phone)
University Police Department 352-392-1111 352-392-1111
Environmental Health & Safety 352-392-1591 352-392-1111
P.K. Yonge Building Services 352-294-9095
Chemical Spill (Campus) 352-392-8400/392-1591 352-392-1111
Needlestick-BioPath Hotline 866-477-6824 866-477-6824
Pest Control (Campus) 352-392-3410/392-1591 352-392-1111
Radiation Spill (Campus) 352-392-7359/392-1591 352-392-1111
Workers’ Compensation 352-392-4940
Florida Poison Information Center 800-222-1222 800-222-1222

In the event of a major disaster affecting the UF campus, the UF Homepage is the official source of UF emergency related information.