Values, Beliefs, Goals (1968)

Whatever you do, do it as though this is the only school in the world and you are the only teachers in the world. Choose your priorities as though the future of the world depended upon you and you alone. — J.B. Hodges, Director (1962-1981)

Values, Beliefs, and Goals of P.K. Yonge Laboratory School 1968

WE the faculty of P.K. Yonge Laboratory School aim to provide an environment for ourselves and our students which promotes acquisition and demonstration of knowledge, attitudes, skills, and behaviors requisite to performing as responsible, independent, caring teachers, and learners. We are a faculty in a laboratory setting: accordingly, we hold certain values and beliefs about ourselves and our responsibilities as professionals. From our values and beliefs we derive our goals, objectives, and practices.



From the principle that the child is an individual as well as a social unit follow the values to which P.K. Yonge has traditionally adhered:

RESPONSIBILITY – Our actions reflect knowledge and acceptance of the probable consequences of our actions to ourselves and others as well as to the institution and the community. Inherent within this value are respect for and sensitivity to that which society requires for health, harmonious living with one another and our environment.

INTEGRITY – This very personal quality requires adherence to moral and ethical standards in harmony with that which is considered responsible action in our culture. Inherent within the quality is consciousness of one’s relationship to society – causing our choices to be reasoned and responsible.

COMPASSION – Understanding of and respect for differences among people, cherishing their uniqueness, and empathizing with their needs and feelings are demonstrated in actively promoting human rights. In so doing, we come to recognize that humane treatment of all life is a reflection of our level of compassion for other people.

INQUIRY – Organized, systematic, objective examination of questions. Problems, and issues is basic to performance in a laboratory school as well as in all aspects of civilized life. Positive stimulation leads to openness to change and constructive innovation.

PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE – Wholehearted commitment to producing one’s best characterizes the person pursuing excellence. Hard work and pride in the quality of that work, while mastering the fundamental skills of inquiry in each discipline are essential to achieving excellence.




…..Faculty members are accountable for their impact on the individuals they teach and the society in which they live.
Our faculty’s actions are directed toward accomplishing our purposes in light of our beliefs about the relationships between the school and its responsibility both to society and to
the individuals we teach. The statements which follow are to help clarify our point of view relative to that relationship.

The cornerstone upon which all the school’s values are built is respect for the individual; concomitantly, the school exists to meet society’s demand to produce useful citizens. Furthermore, the individual cannot divorce his or her own good from that of society at large. Accordingly, it is consistent with our concern for individuals that they know the skills, knowledge, values, culture, and even manners which represent the best in our society. This explains our sense of the value of what we have to teach. While it is not our duty to force children to internalize the predominant values by manipulation or conditioning, it is necessary that they understand what society expects and rewards so that their life choices may be reasoned and responsible.

….. Faculty members assume a responsible role in the improvement of education in the State.
In seeking advancement of the School’s program toward attainment of its goals for the pupils enrolled, we maintain a research attitude – a sense that we can make a difference. Hence, faculty identify needs for research and development related to instructional problems within the School and to persistent problems in Florida education. Currently, as these problems are identified, support is provided for scholarly search for their solution. The educational practitioners who are most familiar with the problems conduct investigations and develop instructional materials as required. We disseminate our findings to colleagues in public schools through publications and media, TEC activities and consultancies, and as members of professional organizations. Studies are also accomplished in cooperation with University colleagues.

The reporting process opens channels for communication with public school personnel relative to their problems and needs, which, in turn, may become the focus of additional investigations and innovations. We also assist student observers to study child growth and development and to provide classroom experiences for elementary, middle level, and high school students through participation, student teaching, and other internship programs as well as practicum experiences in specialized areas for graduate students. In addition, we cooperate in research involving children and youth by other university faculty and graduate students – a concomitant responsibility.

…..Faculty members recognize parents and community as partners in the educative process.
People learn and grow as total organisms. Since learning and growth take place within the total life space (of individuals), the home, school, and community each has various interrelated roles to play in their development. Some of these roles are independent, but the ways in which they are performed affect the quality of the performance of the others; some require cooperation between the agencies; some demand totally integrated action by two or all three of the agencies. The quality of these interrelationships is of such importance in the growth and development of pupils that open communication and a high degree of mutual respect and trust must be maintained between the School and the members of the community we serve.

P. K. Yonge faculty believe the values and goals underlying the School’s program should be formulated jointly and reviewed periodically by faculty, parents and pupils to insure that
statements continue to reflect the commitment of all members of the learning community., Furthermore, we believe that evaluations and recommendations of parents and pupils are to be sought in (1) developing a program consistent with our beliefs and (2) in clarification of the responsibilities and roles of each group in relation to the program. Accordingly, we solicit the aid of pupils, parents, and other members of the community in broadening and enriching the instructional program through their appropriate participation in the educational process. One such vehicle is the School’s Citizen’s Advisory Council, a formally appointed organization representing students, parents, faculty, and community.

We accept responsibility for communication with parents about pupil achievement, acknowledging the necessity for joint planning and problem solving relative to specific aspects of the lives of children in the school, home, and community. Hence, as professionals and as citizens, we accept our responsibility to join with parents and appropriate community representatives in planning and creating a community setting favorable to learning.

…..Faculty members value professional status.
Teaching is an honored profession dedicated to the advancement of humankind. As professionals we practice according to the belief that all children can learn, establishing high expectations for student performance and helping them attain them. Furthermore, we feel an obligation to contribute to the advancement of the profession. We value professional status and accept responsibility for self-direction and self-imposed standards of professional conduct. As laboratory school faculty, we must be on the cutting edge of change as we daily seek answers to the persisting challenge of public education in Florida and in our democratic society.

….. Faculty members are continuing learners.
Committed to providing a program designed to cause students to become lifelong learners and to furthering the school’s mission in educational research and innovation, we regard ourselves as learners-in-process.

Scholarly inquiry is the basis for program development aimed at attainment of the school’s goals for its students. We maintain scholarly interest in our subject matter fields and in developments in our profession. We teach young people to be lifelong learners by example, remaining open to new experiences, up-to-date on current affairs in our community and in the world, and reflectively and analytically responsible to both our natural and man-made environments.

…..Faculty members feel a responsibility for the total school program.
Real change occurs only when those responsible for carrying out the program also feel a responsibility for originating, expanding, and constantly evaluating it. Ideally, faculty members at P.K. Yonge accept this responsibility and share in the formulation, evaluation, and modification of the total program. Operating in this way requires a high level of commitment and dedication on our part. Each member is obligated to participate actively in all important decisions relative to change and improvement. Consequently, each seeks to be knowledgeable about what is going on in other areas of the school as well as to communicate with others about his or her own activities, insights, concerns, and ideas for improvement.

…..Faculty members seek to facilitate learning in one another.
The solution to instructional problems often comes with the professional growth of the individuals involved. Immersed in a professional group concerned with an institution’s problems, each individual assumes personal responsibility for the development of the total program of an institution. This includes a concern for the continued learning of our members; therefore, we seek to facilitate learning in our colleagues by keeping abreast of developments in education, thus remaining qualified to serve as models for others and to plan for and conduct inservice activities for one another.



From the five values we derive six goals for P.K. Yonge students. They represent the ideals for the learning community and serve to guide the development and evaluation of curriculum and achievement.

Faculty, students, and parents continually strive to identify, develop, and maintain educational practices which foster maximum achievement for all pupils in directions indicated by the goals. The statement of each goal is followed by a brief remark, giving a rationale for its inclusion.

GOAL I: That each student becomes an independent, lifelong learner.
Independent, lifelong learners want to learn, know how to learn, and derive satisfaction from learning. Mastery of the knowledge and skills essential to living productively in our complex world is required.

GOAL II: That each student develops a sense of personal and social responsibility.
We do not live in this world alone: Therefore, it is essential that we care for and respect all living things and work in cooperation to survive and prosper.

GOAL III: That each student develops the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to promote and maintain a democratic society.
Open exchange of ideas; concern for the good of all; pride in initiative, innovation, productivity, and excellence; and knowledge and use of democratic processes are all basic to the success of the democratic ideal.

GOAL IV: That each student develops ability to experience aesthetic expression.
Aesthetic experience has intrinsic value as it enriches life, stimulates inquiry and a response which enlarges insight into ourselves.

GOAL V: That each student becomes knowledgeable of his or her potential as a contributor to and beneficiary of the economic, political, and social system.
Positive self-regard results when one knows one is well prepared to meet needs important to oneself or to others.

GOAL VI: That each student develops habits which promote and maintain both good physical and mental health.
People learn best when they are physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy.

From our goals we derive a series of ESSENTIAL objectives for P.K. Yonge students. More specific objectives are delineated in the scope and sequence statements guiding planning, implementation, and evaluation to each curriculum area.

GOAL I: The student becomes an independent, lifelong learner.
1. All students are expected to learn to set goals for learning and for skill development, organize for goal achievement, and evaluate and share goal accomplishment.
2. All students are expected to master cognitive skills associated with learning. Specifically these include analysis, focusing, reflecting, and narrowing.
3. All students are expected to master the fundamentals of science, technology, mathematics, geography, history, economics, and communications as a foundation for further learning.
4. All students are expected to acquire and maintain a positive attitude towards learning.
5. All students are expected to value the quality of their work.
6. All students are expected to strive for consistency in their goalsetting and achievement.
7. All students are expected to become increasingly independent in learning by learning to:
a. Listen and read critically.
b. Write clearly and accurately.
c. Gather information from multiple sources.
d. Analyze and synthesize information through use of the scientific method and other problem-solving procedures.
8. All students are expected to demonstrate appreciation and respect for faculty and one another.

GOAL II: That each student develops a sense of social responsibility.
1. All students are expected to acquire attitudes and skills necessary for constructive group living and sensitive interpersonal interaction.
2. All students are expected to adhere to those moral and ethical values developed by this school’s community as a community, at least while they are at school.
3. All students are expected to acquire a sense of pride in demonstrating such qualities as cooperation, integrity, honesty, reliability, and self-control and respect for oneself and the rights and property of others.
4. All students are expected to acquire knowledge of similarities and difference in the philosophical and ethical positions of the world’s major religions.
5. All students are expected to acquire knowledge and skills in support of responsible maintenance of the family as a basic social unit in our society.
6. All students are expected to acquire a sense of responsibility for maintaining an ecologically balanced environment.
7. All students are expected to acquire some knowledge of similarities and difference n the world’s political theories and practices.
8. All students are expected to assist in preserving a “family” atmosphere, including making special efforts to help newcomers become established as members of the School’s family not only in each classroom, but throughout the School.

GOAL III: That each student develops the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to promote and maintain a democratic society.
1. All students are expected to acquire knowledge of governmental processes and services at the local, state, and national levels.
2. All students are expected to acquire general knowledge of the world’s history and physical geography.
3. All students are expected to participate in educational experiences in both school and community service and government.
4. All students are expected to acquire knowledge of people of other races, creeds, nations, and cultures.
5. All students are expected to acquire technical and scientific literacy as measured by state assessment tests.
6. All students are expected to acquire skills required to function in our economic system.
7. All students are expected to acquire ability to work in one-to-one and in extended group relationships to seek solutions to problems.
8. All students are expected to acquire ability to lead capably in various situations, motivating, and coordinating towards common goals.
9. All students are expected to acquire abiity to use resources, including time, materials, energy, and money, wisely and efficiently.
10. All students are expected to adhere to democratic principles and processes, to voice opinions, and effect change on campus.
11. All students are expected to adhere to rules, policies, and guidelines established by the group and to those designated in authority to answer for the group.

GOAL IV: That each student develops the ability to experience aesthetic expression.
1. All students are expected to learn to recognize major works of music, art, literature, and architecture.
2. All students are expected to acquire ability to convey ideas through one or more media.
3. All students are expected to learn to recognize and express their special gifts and talents.
4. All students are expected to learn to recognize relationships among the arts.
5. All students are expected to acquire knowledge of ways to establish and maintain an aesthetically pleasing and ecologically compatible environment.

GOAL V: That each student becomes knowledgeable of his or her potential as a contributor to and beneficiary of the economic, political, and social system.
1. All students are expected to acquire knowledge of and develop an understanding of the fundamental economic structure and processes of the system.
2. All students are expected to acquire knowledge about employment and career opportunities available in this community and beyond.
3. All students are expected to become familiar with the education and training requirements necessary to reach their economic and employment goals.
4. All students are expected to develop competence in applying knowledge to practical economic functions.

GOAL VI: That each student develops habits which promote and maintain good physical, emotional, and mental health.
1. All students are expected to acquire knowledge of and practice basic principles of good nutrition and personal hygiene.
2. All students are expected to acquire knowledge about the importance of regular physical activity in maintaining mental health.
3. All students are expected to acquire skills in one or more forms of physical recreation which will permit lifelong enjoyment of physical exercise.
4. All students are expected to acquire skills in ways of managing stress that are consistent with healthful principles.
5. All students are expected to acquire knowledge of the consequences of alcohol and drug abuse to the individual and to society.
6. All students are expected to develop competence in recognizing and preventing environmental health problems, including problems relating to epidemic disease and ecological imbalance.
7. All students are expected to develop competence in recognizing and preventing environmental health problems, including problems relating to epidemic disease and ecological imbalance.

Professional dedication to promoting acquisition of the qualities we value and achievement of the goals and objectives for students requires that we make every effort to practice the ideal.
The list of practices which follows is not intended to be comprehensive; rather, it serves to note some we consider most important to (1) aid us in translating our relatively abstract statements of goals into concrete applications and (2) to stimulate identification of other suitable practices by individuals and groups. They are based on eight characteristics which research indicates are observable in effective schools and from which the P.K Yonge Annual Comprehensive Growth Plan is derived.

…..Experiment with innovative ways of teaching and learning.
…..Provide an environment for the improvement of teacher education.
…..Disseminate the results of innovative programs and techniques to schools through the state.

…..Implement the Code of Conduct for students, including requiring students to attend regularly and be on time to classes and ready to work.
…..Encourage and maintain a safe, caring, family atmosphere among faculty, students, and parents, promoting such qualities as cooperation, respect, pride, integrity, honesty, compassion, mutual support, and self-control.
…..Implement school policies in a thoughtful, consistent manner, including applying the School’s discipline system.

…..Establish a school climate supportive of people and academic pursuits.
…..Pursue additional resources to enhance the School and its programs.
…..Focus the School’s direction toward innovative ideas an practices supported by research and successful school practices.
…..Keep faculty abreast of what is happening in parent groups, the community, and the state legislature when pertinent to P.K. Yonge, its faculty and staff.
…..Systematically document and report the School’s accomplishment in ways that can be communicated to parents, legislators, and educators.
…..Encourage innovative programs and support those which have proven successful.
…..Provide for the continuous development, implementations, and evaluations of continuums in major curriculum areas.
…..Assist in instructional planning and in the evaluation of student progress.
…..Provide for the development and implementation of K-12 program for acquiring information gathering skills, using multiple resources and facilities.
…..Assist in staff development planning, implementation, and evaluation.
…..Implement the plans for personnel assessment, developed in accordance with the state’s statutes and State Department of Education policies and procedures.

…..Encourage life styles which promote physical, mental, and environmental health.
…..Model standards of behavior that exemplify our values and beliefs.
…..Provide a variety of student activities and extracurricular programs.
…..Demonstrate appreciation for excellence in educational programs and for people within the School, including faculty.
…..Maintain an inquiring attitude, developing, testing, and evaluating innovative programs.
…..Offer workshops, courses, and other means of disseminating results of innovations to professionals.
…..Demonstrate pride in personal, schoolwide, and classroom appearance and behavior, “always prepared for company,” as benefits a laboratory school.

…..Provide a stimulating, aesthetically pleasing, comfortable learning environment.
…..Provide opportunities to self-select some learning experiences from a wide range of choices.
…..Provide opportunities to interact with and learn from one another as well as from people of varies ages, occupations, and opinions.

…..Diagnose knowledge, skills, learning styles in order to plan objectives and instruction in accordance with personalized needs of students.
…..Monitor student academic and social progress in relation to goals and objectives, being as specific as is practical.
…..Communicate academic and social progress to students and their advisers in a timely manner, including reports of positive demonstrations of responsible behavior – making school a good place to be.

…..Maintain communication with parents, individually and collectively, about curriculum and policy decisions, educational program planning.
…..Solicit parent participation in the School’s parent/teacher organizations and promote school visitation.
…..Communicate to parent’s expectations of them relevant to making school a good place to be for their children, including getting them to school on time – well rested and fed and ready to work – with necessary equipment.

…..Provide learning activities that accommodate different interested and learning styles.
…..Maximize time-on-task and minimize school and classroom disruptions.
.….Maintain current knowledge of subject matter or assignment.
…..Plan instruction based on schoolwide goals and objectives, personalizing based on diagnosis and prescription to the extent feasible.
…..Monitor student’s academic and social progress frequently and communicate to the student, the adviser, and the parents.