Dennison Awards – Faculty

P.K. Yonge is pleased to announce two annual awards funded by an endowment established by a P.K. Yonge alum and research scientist passionate about recognizing and supporting the unique mission of our school. P.K. Yonge faculty members are invited to submit an application for either or both awards.

Spring - Dennison Teacher Researcher Excellence Award

The annual spring award is the Dennison Teacher Researcher Excellence Award. This award recognizes a teacher researcher who has completed multiple cycles of inquiry and has a track record of collaborating with University of Florida faculty researchers. The awardee will be publicly recognized at the annual College of Education Recognition Dinner in April. The purpose of the Dennison Teacher Researcher Excellence Award is to recognize P.K. Yonge faculty who excel in teacher research and collaborative research partnerships with university faculty. The Dennison Teacher Researcher Excellence Award celebrates research at P.K. Yonge that engages teachers in putting research into practice for the purpose of impacting student achievement, reflecting on professional learning, and maintaining a shift in practice to improve outcomes for all students.

Application Requirements (with page limits)

  • Abbreviated Curriculum Vitae (5 pages)
  • Teacher Research statement (2 pages)
  • Collaboration with university faculty statement (2 pages)
  • Two letters of support from: school director or immediate supervisor (1 page), an individual of choice (i.e., UF colleague) (1 page)
  • One supporting artifact transferable via email (e.g., inquiry paper, publication, award notification, etc.) (1 page for description of artifact; no page limit on artifact)
  • DUE DATE provided by email 
  • Submit applications to

The P.K. Yonge faculty award recipient for this recognition will be determined and awarded by the Dean of the College of Education at the University of Florida.

Award Amount and Details
Award amount is $1500. The award funds may be used for faculty support such as travel to conferences, project materials, research materials, and advancing research and collaboration with colleagues at the University of Florida.

Interested P.K. Yonge faculty applicants will submit the required materials electronically (in the order listed) as a single pdf file to the College of Education Office of Educational Research at by the announced date and time.


Fall - Dennison Teacher Research Outstanding Manuscript Award

The annual fall award is the Dennison Teacher Research Outstanding Manuscript Award. This award recognizes a teacher researcher’s effort as demonstrated by an exceptional teacher research manuscript. The recipient will be announced and recognized at the Annual P.K. Yonge Inquiries & Investigations Symposium in September of each year. The purpose of this award is to publicly recognize and celebrate teacher research that results in a manuscript that is developed in partnership with a university faculty member and submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. The Dennison Teacher Research Outstanding Manuscript Award is grounded in the belief that engaging in classroom-focused research and preparing and submitting for review a high quality manuscript in collaboration with university faculty challenges teachers’ beliefs and practices, leads to discoveries that improve student learning, and results in sustained transformations in teaching practice.

Application Requirements (with page limits)

  • Abbreviated Curriculum Vitae (5 pages)
  • Teacher Research – University Collaboration statement (2 pages)
  • Final teacher inquiry paper prepared and submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal in partnership with a university researcher (no page limit)
  • Evidence of manuscript submission for peer review/publication (i.e., email receipt/notification from the publisher)
  • DUE DATE provided by email
  • Submit applications at

The P.K. Yonge faculty award recipient for this recognition will be determined and awarded by the Dean of the College of Education at the University of Florida.

Award Amount and Details
Award amount is $1500. The award funds may be used for faculty support such as travel to conferences, project materials, research materials, and advancing research and collaboration with colleagues at the University of Florida.

Interested P.K. Yonge faculty applicants will submit the required materials electronically (in the order listed) as a single pdf file to the College of Education Office of Educational Research at by the announced date and time.