Mastery-based Learning
Over a number of years and through various research pathways, efforts have been underway at P.K. Yonge to identify required content knowledge and skill essential for students graduating into today’s and tomorrow’s world.
Areas of focus include: identifying and presenting clear learning goals; developing multiple methods and opportunities for students to demonstrate knowledge and skills; designing personalized learning pathways; and making important shifts that separate measures of knowledge and skill from grades for behavior, compliance, and task completion.
With many of these efforts already taking root in the school program, making the transition from from a traditional time-based educational model to a mastery-based learning system is a logical next step.
In 2018, P.K. Yonge was included in the State of Florida’s Mastery-based (Competency-based) Learning Pilot introduced in Senate Bill 1035.
Mastery-based Learning | Flyer
Mastery-based Learning - WHAT?
Course credit is awarded based based on students being able to demonstrate mastery of knowledge and skill.
Students are offered multiple methods and opportunities to demonstrate mastery.
Grades clearly reflect what students know and can do.
Students are responsible for setting and meeting goals.
Traditional Learning - WHAT?
Course credit is awarded for the amount of time students spend in a one-size fits all class.
One place, one time, one way is offered for students to earn course credit.
Grades combine knowledge, skill, activity completion, compliance.
Students depend on teachers for direction.
Mastery-based Learning - WHY?
Credit emphasizes the development of high level skill and deep knowledge.
Multiple opportunities to demonstrate mastery promote perseverance.
Grades are directly tied to learning goals, progress, and achievement.
Clear learning goals and systems promote student autonomy and initiative.
Traditional Learning
Credit focuses learning on time constraints and task completion.
One place, one time, one way promotes a “just enough to get by” mentality.
Grades combine skills, knowledge, compliance, attendance, participation.
Teacher-centered systems develop passive learners.