
Students + Faculty: Presenting at UCF Spanish Colloquium

January 23, 2017

Congratulations to students and faculty in World Languages at P.K. Yonge! Five P.K. Yonge students submitted proposals and were accepted … Continue reading “Students + Faculty: Presenting at UCF Spanish Colloquium”

Faculty: Ashley Pennypacker Hill – Learning Can be Messy (Blog)

January 13, 2017

Read Dr. Hill’s blog post on the Center for the Collaborative Classroom’s website: Learning Can Be Messy, and that’s Okay! … Continue reading “Faculty: Ashley Pennypacker Hill – Learning Can be Messy (Blog)”

Alumni: Darinelle Merced-Calderon (’16) Special to the Gainesville Sun

January 13, 2017

In an article special to the Sun, Darinelle Merced-Calderon a P.K. Yonge Class of 2016 alum shares her thoughts on … Continue reading “Alumni: Darinelle Merced-Calderon (’16) Special to the Gainesville Sun”

Student: Ana Barrientos Accepted for Rotary Exchange

January 6, 2017

Congratulations to Ana Barrientos on being accepted to the Rotary Youth Exchange Scholarship Program! A senior this year, Ana decided … Continue reading “Student: Ana Barrientos Accepted for Rotary Exchange”

Student: Kailya Jackson A-Z

January 6, 2017

Learn more about P.K.’s own Kailya Jackson in the Gainesville Sun’s A-Z with Kailya Jackson

Faculty: Coach Powers’ Milestone 400!

January 5, 2017

Congratulations to Coach Willie Powers on reaching a coaching milestone on January 4th. In addition to leading P.K. Yonge Girls … Continue reading “Faculty: Coach Powers’ Milestone 400!”