COVID-19 Vaccine Information | Students 16 and Over Now Eligible
April 7, 2021Beginning Monday, April 5, all Florida residents 16 years of age and older are eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccination. Being vaccinated for COVID-19 is important as it reduces the chances of a new variant strain from emerging and helps to keep our community, your family, and your children safer.
Students who are minors (under the age of 18) must have parent/guardian permission to register and must be accompanied by a parent/guardian to their vaccination appointment.
Health Department / UF Health Clinics
Florida residents can register at clinics operated by the Florida Department of Health in Alachua County Health Department in collaboration with the UF Health Screen, Test & Protect. See: Health Department COVID-19 Vaccine Information. Residents may register any time, regardless of age. See: Health Department/UF Clinics Registration Form.
Please check the following links:
COVID-19 Vaccination Options — additional options for vaccination appointments
Getting the COVID-19 Vaccine — information about the COVID-19 vaccine
Busting COVID-19 Vaccine Myths — answers to commonly asked questions