Attendance, Grading & Assessment, EOCs, FSAs, Graduation Requirements, Events, and Yearbooks!
April 29, 2020Below are updates and information regarding attendance, grading & assessment, finals, State-required EOCs, FSAs, graduation requirements, and third-grade promotion. You’ll also find a link to a Florida Department of Education survey, news about some end-of-year events, a link to order your 2019-20 yearbook.
There’s a lot of information here. Please read to the end!
Florida Department of Education Impact Survey | Survey
Please share your thoughts and opinions on the recent crisis response from the Florida Department of Education (FDOE) and P.K. Yonge. The survey is short (only 2 minutes) and information collected will help the FDOE plan next steps in response to the COVID-19 crisis.
Attendance at VirtuallyPK is defined as an asynchronous or synchronous interaction with course/lesson material and is required. Teachers monitor attendance daily in Skyward just as they would on campus.
For general attendance communications, families contact For communications regarding student attendance affected by technology access issues, families email the classroom teacher. Teachers forward these emails to to allow administration to monitor and adjust Skyward records as needed.
Grading & Assessment
Teachers will continue to assign coursework and assess student progress toward course objectives through the last day of the school year.
Students in good academic standing at the end of quarter 3 (prior to our transition to remote instruction on March 30) should continue to complete work assigned in classes and will not be in danger of failing courses. Students not in good academic standing at the end of quarter 3 (prior to our transition to remote instruction on March 30) should continue to complete work assigned in classes AND should be reaching out to teachers in order to continue to work toward meeting standards in order to complete the second semester with course credit. For students enrolled in FLVS courses, there are no changes to requirements or timelines for completing courses.
All students should continue to complete work assigned in classes.
Secondary Progress Check Online
A reminder that secondary students’ progress may be checked online in either Canvas or Skyward.
Finals, EOCs, FSAs, Graduation Requirements, 3rd Grade Promotion
Final Exams will be given at the discretion of each teacher based on the goals of the course. If your student has questions regarding whether or not they have a final exam for a course, please reach out to their individual teachers.
State End of Course Exams for Seniors – If a student in the class of 2020 has not met exit criteria for Algebra 1 EOC or equivalent or Grade 10 ELA FSA or equivalent this criteria will be waived. Students still must earn the necessary credits and meet GPA requirements to graduate.
State-Required End of Course Exams for Middle and High School Students (not Seniors) – Students enrolled in Geometry, Biology, US History, and Civics during 2019-20 are not required to take the State-required EOC for the courses in which they were enrolled. Students enrolled in Algebra 1 during the 2019-20 school year are not required to take the State-required EOC but must still meet the mathematics graduation requirement. P.K. Yonge will work with students enrolled in Algebra 1 during the 2019-20 school year to meet the mathematics assessment graduation requirement over the course of their high school careers.
Florida Standards Assessments (FSAs) for grades 3-12 scheduled for spring 2020 have been canceled, and (with the exception of the Grade 10 ELA FSA), students will not be required to take those assessments at a future time. The Grade 10 FSA ELA is a graduation requirement. Non-seniors who have yet to pass the Grade 10 FSA ELA must still meet the exit criteria by passing the Grade 10 FSA ELA or an equivalent assessment. P.K. Yonge will work with students to meet the English Language Arts graduation requirement over the remainder of their high school careers.
3rd grade promotion decisions will be made in consultation with parents, teachers, and school leaders based on a students’ classroom performance and progress monitoring data.
End of Year Events
Events for Seniors | Class of 2020 Update
More information is now available for the Class of 2020 and end of year activities. Visit the Class of 2020 Update and make an appointment for Senior Drop-By!
Underclassmen Awards | Mon. May 18, 6:00pm | Virtual
Underclassmen Awards will take place at 6pm on Monday, May 18. Families of students receiving awards will receive invitations and a link to the Underclassmen Awards ZOOM meeting via email. Stay tuned!
Peek Across the Creek | Wed. May 20, 8:30am | Virtual
Our tradition of Peek Across the Creek will be taking place at a virtual event on Wednesday, May 20 at 8:30am. Stay tuned for details.
Yearbooks! | Order Here!
Our 2019-20 yearbooks are at the printer and if you haven’t ordered one already, now is the time!
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