Announcements – Tuesday, September 5

September 5, 2023

Today is Tuesday, September 5

Meet & Greet

Join us tonight for Blue Wave Meet & Greet from 5:30-7:00. We’ll have demonstrations around campus, food sold by different student groups, and more. 

Senior Smart Start

Seniors – Join us for Senior Smart Start from 5:30-6:30. You’ll get information about graduation checks, bright futures, and more. 


Membership applications for BSU are due Friday, 9/8 and can be turned in to the front office for Mrs. Sheppard and Dr. Geiger.  If you need an application, please see one of the BSU officers: 

  • Mya Tisdale 
  • Ciara Madison  
  • Naria James 
  • Leah Ashley 
  • Caleb Little 
  • Eriel Ford


There will be an interest meeting for those curious about joining the BluePrint Club this Thursday after school. Hang out with Ms. Bennett in Q-502 and learn about how we run our design business. All middle and high school students are invited! 


Attention all students: Come and be a part of an exciting club, the DECA club. Join us Tuesday at lunch in the AP English room with Mrs. Henry. Don’t miss this exciting meeting! 

Best Buddies

 There will be a Best Buddies interest meeting for new members on Tuesday the 12th of September, in Mrs. Czyz’s room during lunch. If you want to learn more about the club, please come. Current members should also attend. 

Computer Science

We are excited to announce the start of a Computer Science club that will be held on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s during high school lunch. Please join us and share what Computer science projects you would be interested in learning more about! We will meet at Q506, see you there!

HS Book Club

High School Book Club will meet in Mrs. Czyz’s room on Tuesday, September 5th during lunch. Current and new members are welcome!


Please pause for a moment of silence: 

Please stand for the pledge: 

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 

Have a wonderful day Blue Wave!

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