Announcements – Fri., May 5

May 5, 2023

Good morning! Today is Friday May 5th which marks P day in our Z to A countdown to the end of the year. Monday is R day, Wear red or a rainbow. Today is also Cinco De Mayo marks Mexico’s against-all-odds victory against invading French troops in 1862. However, most of us wrongly assume it’s Mexico’s Independence Day or Día de la Independencia which occurred on Sept. 16, 1810, when the country broke free of Spanish rule. Cinco de Mayo came more than 50 years later when French Emperor Napoleon III wanted to claim Mexico for himself. 

Prom Ticket Sales Extended to Monday, May 8

Due to business office closing early on Friday, May 5, Prom ticket sales will be extended to Monday, May 8 at 3pm.


Prom time is approaching! Tickets are on sale from Monday, April 24th through Monday, May 8th.. You MUST have a completed PKY Student Form for PK students and a Guest form for all non-PK students completed and have all appropriate  signatures at the time of ticket purchase! You will be turned away if you do not have the appropriate forms completed. Forms are available from Mrs. V in the Main Office. No tickets will be sold after May 5th, so go get those forms filled out and take them to the Business office before and after school or at lunch to get your tickets!! See Prom posters for available times to make your purchase.”


Seniors – remember the forms you need to fill out by this Friday for graduation. Check your announcements section in the senior canvas course for the links.

 Library Books

This Friday, May 5th, is the last day for checkouts, or to give Mrs. Koppitch a book review for community service hours for this school year. All library books are due back next Friday, May 12th. Any books not returned by that time will be added to the debt list. See Mrs. Koppitch if you have any questions.

Varsity Cheer Football

Varsity Football Cheer Try-Outs will be held on Monday, 15th, Tuesday, May 16th and Wednesday May 17th from 4:45-6:30pm in the gymnasium. This is a change in date to the following week. Please pick-up a try-out packet from the front office or online on the varsity cheer page.

Student Government

Attention 8th-11th graders: Voting for our 23-24 school year student government officers took place yesterday. Still want to be a part of the class, but didn’t run for office? You can apply to be a grade level representative. Forms are in the front office and are due back by Friday, May 12th. Any questions, contact Mrs. Koppitch or any student government members.

Congrats Baseball

Congratulations to Coach Brunson and Varsity Baseball who ended up 19-8 for the season and earned second place in our district.  Way to go, Blue Wave!

FAST Testing

Good morning students in Grades 6-10. On Tuesday, May 9th, you will be taking the final FAST Reading Assessment for this year. This assessment is an important assessment as it is the one that measures your progress in reading for the year. Please remember to bring your Chromebook and your Charger on Tuesday as you will be using both for this assessment. Lists of testing locations have been posted in the 1st floor and the 3rd floor, Blue and Green Wings for grades 9 and 10. Lists for Grades 6, 7, and 8 are posted on the second floor in each of your wings. Check these lists to see where you will be testing on Tuesday. Be sure to get a good night’s sleep Monday night, and to eat breakfast on Tuesday morning so that you are at your best for this assessment.

Library Week Winners

Library Week is over for the year, and I know you’re all disappointed. BUT, it will be back next year, and in the meantime, we have some winners to announce!  Congratulations to the winners of the Library Week Trivia Contests:

Lia Barros, Pablo Diaz, Diego Nicholas Alava, Mickinzi Anderson, and Henry Huynh. If Mrs. Koppitch hasn’t gotten to you with your prizes, please come see her.

Congratulations to the winners of the Library Week Caught You Reading Contests:

Elementary – Elvin Presley, 3rd grade

Middle School – Nati Gutierrez-Hernandez, 6th grade

High School – Coral Cooper, 9th grade

Mrs. Koppitch will bring you your prizes today.

9th & 10th Grade Field Trips

For the 9th and 10 grade class field trips today:

Sophomores, again sophomores if you turned in your permission slip, please meet Mr. Linne and the rest of the chaperones by the gym NOW. We are starting to headout to the arcade.

Freshmen if you turned in your permission slip, please meet Mrs. Czyz and the rest of the chaperones by the gym after 2nd period. Again, freshmen head to the front of the gym at the END of 2nd period.

Football Practice Canceled 

Football practice is canceled today. There will not be football practice today. See you on Tuesday


Please pause for a moment of silence: 

Please stand for the pledge: 

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 

Have a wonderful day Blue Wave!

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