Leigh Anne Brewster

Contact Information
Email: labrewster@pky.ufl.eduPhone: 352.392.1554
B.S., Interdisciplinary Studies – Radford University
M.A., Environment-Based Learning/Education – Mary Baldwin College
Ed.S., Educational Leadership & Policy Studies K-12 – Virginia Tech
Certified by Project Lead the Way in Introduction to Engineering Design, Principles of Engineering, Digital Electronics, and Engineering Design and Development
Leigh Anne Brewster is a high school Project Lead the Way (PLTW) instructor and STEAM Education Specialist at P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School where she is responsible for the implementation of the Project Lead the Way curriculum in 9th-12th grade.
Leigh Anne is a veteran teacher, having taught over 15 years. In the last 6 years, Leigh Anne has performed extensive work in the Canvas LMS implementation, 1:1 student learning classroom environments and device management, blended-learning environments, and integrating the use of technology to support education.
Leigh Anne also serves as advisor and coach of two high-school robotics teams at PK Yonge – FIRST Technical Challenge Team 18317: Steel Eels and FIRST Robotics Competition Team 4118: Roaring Riptide
Coach – FRC Team 4118: The Roaring Riptide
Coach – FTC Team 18317: Steel Eels
Sponsor – NSTEM Club