Welcome Back to 2019!
January 4, 2018Welcome back to school!
We hope everyone had a long, enjoyable break and is ready for the next phase of the 2018-19 school year. Below are a few important back to school notes.
Secondary Admissions Information Session | Tuesday, January 8, 6pm
We will be hosting an event to share information about secondary admissions to P.K. Yonge on Tuesday, January 8. Join us to learn more about our secondary school, meet the counselors, and ask questions.
Secondary 1-6 day | Friday, January 11
Friday, January 11 is the last of the semester for secondary students and is a 1-6 period day.
Student Devices
Many students received electronic devices for Christmas (the most popular being the Nintendo Switch) and we are eager to help keep them safe. The best way to keep your electronic devices safe is to keep them at home! P.K. Yonge is not responsible for damage or loss to student devices, including phones, gaming devices, and personal computers.
Traffic | Details
Many thanks for all families’ cooperation and patience with our traffic. Please visit Traffic on our website for reminders about traffic flow and parking.
On the horizon | Dates 2018-2019
Friday, January 18 – Student Holiday / Teacher Work Day
Monday, January 21 – Holiday – Martin Luther King Day