Welcome Back, Second Semester Schedules, & Attendance Reminders
January 8, 2023Happy New Year and Welcome Back to School!
I trust that your family enjoyed your holiday break and that you are looking forward to returning to school on Monday, January 9th. We are certainly eager to get the second semester underway!
Last week, teachers spent time in professional development, planning, and sharing their research at our Inquiry Symposium. We are excited to put our new learning into practice as the students return for the second half of the school year.
Second Semester Schedules
6th-12th grade students can check for their second semester 1st period class on the cafeteria windows. First period teachers will provide full schedules to their students during class tomorrow morning.
Attendance Reminders
Your child’s attendance at school is critical to their academic success and to our teachers’ research. At the start of the school year we explained that we would be closely monitoring attendance and taking action when students did not meet expectations for regular attendance. We kept our word and will continue with these improved practices moving into the second semester. Attendance is measured per semester, so everyone gets a fresh start beginning Monday. Let’s work together to continue to improve in this area so that we can maximize students’ learning opportunities. View the attendance procedures reminders.
Here’s to a second semester filled with learning and growing.
Dr. Geiger
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