Webinar | Strategies to Help Secondary Learners, Tue., 10.27

October 25, 2020

Families of Secondary Students — This is a reminder for secondary families to join Dr. Geiger on Tuesday, October 27 at 4:30pm for a webinar called “We’re All in this Together”  focusing on strategies for the second half of the semester. Join us in ZOOM.



This year, semester-long courses count for full course credit
and our concern for students, their progress and well-being
is heightened due to the impact that COVID-19 has had on schooling.

During the webinar we’ll review resources and ways to get help
for families to support their learners through unprecedented times.

If your student’s performance is not where you or they want it to be,
we have eight weeks ahead of us to do some work together!

Join us on Tuesday October 27 at 4:30pm in ZOOM!

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