COVID-19 Campus Communications, Reminders & Updates

September 2, 2020

P.K. Yonge Families — As circumstances change, we continue to make updates to our campus response to COVID-19. After discussions with the UF Health Screen, Test & Protect program, we are updating our communications plan. You will find details below, along with a few reminders and some helpful updates regarding COVID symptoms.

Family Notifications from Dr. Geiger
When a COVID-related event impacts a student on campus, families directly affected by the event will be contacted by Dr. Geiger AND the UF Health Screen, Test & Protect program. Dr. Geiger will let those families know what to expect from UF Health. She will also provide information regarding educational programming for students who will need to transition to off-campus learning.

COVID-19 Campus Update
Every Friday afternoon, P.K. Yonge will email families, faculty and staff a COVID-19 Campus Update. This update will provide accurate and current information regarding the number of positive COVID-19 diagnoses on our campus. In accordance with privacy laws, this update will not identify individuals.

Helpful Information
Below are some common symptoms of COVID-19 provided by our school nurse. The list is separated by age group and may be helpful to families in determining responses to illness at home.

– Kindergarten – 5th Grade Students: runny nose, sneezing, coughing
– 6th -12th Grade Students: headache, fatigue
– Adults: fever, body aches, sudden loss of taste/smell

If your student is sick, please stay home and notify our school nurse at
– Please support your children in adhering to our facial-covering, physical distancing, and frequent hand-washing guidelines.

Important Note Regarding Masks/Facial Coverings
UF has released an updated policy on masks and facial coverings. One important addition is that Masks with exhalation valves or vents allow air to be expelled and are prohibited because they do not provide protection to others. In addition, neck gaiters and bandanas should not be worn unless no other face covering is available.” See: Examples of Face Coverings

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