State Assessments Update
April 15, 2021On Friday, April 9, Commissioner of Education, Richard Corcoran passed Emergency Order 2021-02 that included language regarding state assessments. Existing procedures at P.K. Yonge address options for students described in the emergency order. These procedures are outlined below for students in elementary, middle, and high school.
Schools are still required to administer Florida Standards Assessments (FSAs) and End of Course exams (EOCs). This means that our testing schedule will continue as published. See: P.K. Yonge | 2020-21 State Testing Calendar.
Elementary School
Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grade – Students do not take state assessments.
3rd Grade Reading/Writing FSA – Achieving a level 2 or higher on the 3rd Grade FSA Reading/Writing assessment is required for promotion to 4th grade.
At P.K. Yonge, each year we provide a number of pathways for students to demonstrate the level of achievement required for promotion to 4th grade. This will remain the same.
Students who do not achieve a Level 2 or higher score on the FSA 3rd grade Reading/Writing assessment on the Spring FSA may meet the achievement requirement by scoring at the 45th percentile or higher on the SAT-10 reading test. The SAT-10 is scheduled for 3rd grade students on April 27 (off-campus students) and April 28th (on-campus students). Students who attend 3rd grade SAIL (June 7-25, 2021) will take the SAT-10 at the completion of the program.
If a 3rd grade student does not achieve the required score on a standardized test (FSA or SAT-10), the option to demonstrate meeting academic standards may be provided through a portfolio of student work.
If it is determined that a student is not meeting academic standards, the student will not be promoted to the next grade level.
4th Grade and 5th Grade FSAs – FSAs provide data to help measure student learning achievement for students in 4th and 5th grade and are not tied to promotion.
Middle School
All Florida Standards Assessments for students 6th-8th grade will continue as scheduled. See: P.K. Yonge | 2020-21 State Testing Calendar
Civics EOC – Scores on the Civics EOC are factored into a student’s final course grade.
Algebra 1 EOC* (Graduation Requirement) – Many 8th grade students are enrolled in Algebra 1. For students who do not achieve the required Algebra 1 EOC passing score, retakes may be scheduled. If a student does not receive the required Algebra 1 EOC score, a passing score on the Geometry EOC or a concordant score on the ACT and PSAT/SAT may also be used to determine graduation eligibility. Scores for the Algebra 1 EOC will be factored into a student’s final course grade.
*Algebra 1 is a high school course. For middle school students taking other high school courses that have EOCs, please check the high school information below.
High School: 9th -11th Grade
All state assessments (FSAs and EOCs) for students 9th-11th grade will continue as scheduled. See: P.K. Yonge | 2020-21 State Testing Calendar.
Algebra 1 EOC – For students who do not achieve the required Algebra 1 EOC passing score, retakes may be scheduled. If a student does not receive the required Algebra 1 EOC score, a passing score on the Geometry EOC or concordant scores on the ACT and PSAT/SAT may also be used to determine graduation eligibility. Scores for the Algebra 1 EOC will be factored into a student’s final course grade.
Biology EOC – Scores on the Biology EOC will be factored into a student’s final course grade.
Geometry EOC – Scores on the Geometry EOC will be factored into a student’s final course grade. A passing score on the Geometry EOC may be used to determine graduation eligibility in the absence of a passing score on the Algebra 1 EOC.
US History EOC – Scores on the US History EOC will be factored into a student’s final course grade.
10th Grade ELA FSA – Graduation Requirement – For 10th grade students who do not receive the required 10th Grade ELA FSA passing score in their 10th grade year, retakes are scheduled in Spring and Fall of each academic year. Concordant scores on the ACT and SAT may also be used to determine graduation eligibility.
Juniors who did not take the 10th Grade FSA ELA in Spring 2020 and do not yet have ACT or SAT concordant scores will be invited to take the 10th grade FSA this year (2021). Please watch for a communication from Lisa Tillett.
For seniors, the most important elements of this emergency order are related to graduation requirements.
Algebra 1 EOC – Graduation Requirement – Class of 2021 seniors have either met this requirement or have plans in place to address this requirement.
10th Grade FSA ELA – Graduation Requirement – Class of 2021 seniors have either met this requirement or have plans in place to address this requirement.
Community Service for 2021 Seniors
Alternate pathways for achieving eligibility for Bright Futures Scholarships are included in the emergency order, however, P.K. Yonge maintains its local graduation requirement. Each senior must complete 75 hours of community service to graduate from P.K.Yonge. Seniors have been provided multiple reminders and opportunities to complete this requirement. Graduating seniors who have questions about the P.K. Yonge community service requirement, please contact Caleb Chambliss | or Sara Theiss |
Schools are still required to administer Florida Standards Assessments (FSAs) and End of Course exams (EOCs). This means that our testing schedule will continue as published. See: P.K. Yonge | 2020-21 State Testing Calendar.
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