Secondary Traffic – Updated & Helpful Tips
August 25, 2020Dear Secondary Families,
Thank you for your help with incorporating some new campus procedures.
These are things that are going well:
Students are coming to campus with masks! Thanks for reinforcing the importance of this and helping your child be prepared.
Drivers are doing a nice job of pulling all the way up.
Students are waiting to exit cars until after they are screened. This is SO important. Thank you!
We realize the drop-off circle is moving more slowly than we would like, and we need your help in speeding things up.
These are a few things you can do to help us speed up the morning drop off:
Please have your child put on their mask and roll down their window to complete the screening.
EVERY DAY students will be asked to show their Chromebook and charger cord. Without these tools, it is impossible for them to complete schoolwork on campus. We have no extra charger cords, so if their laptops run out of battery, they will be incapable of participating in their lessons. Knowing that they will be asked to show these things, please make sure they have the items readily visible to those conducting the morning screening.
Rather than putting things in trunks or a backseat, have students keep their belongings in the area with them so they can grab things quickly and hop out.
Children exit toward the curbside; they may not exit from behind the driver’s side of the vehicle.
The inside lane is reserved for student drivers; those dropping off should stay in the outside (right) lane closest to the gym.
For student drivers, please note that the direction of the parking spaces have been reversed. They have to circle around in front of the gym and pull in from the north end of the lanes.
Once your child has completed the screening and has exited the vehicle, you can pass on the inside lane.
As cars exit the screening lane, please continue to pull all the way up to the top of the circle.
While the beginning of the year is always a little more challenging, we expect that the process will become smoother over time. Thanks so much for your help!
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