Secondary Program Changes | Update
November 15, 2020A reminder that secondary students who wish to CHANGE their program selection for the remainder of the current semester may make that change by submitting this form: P.K. Yonge Program Options | Secondary.
Program changes may begin either on November 19 or December 1. Please check below for change request deadlines.
Program changes for second semester beginning January 20, 2021 will be addressed at a later time. Students not wishing to make changes may continue with their current program option.
The opportunity for 6th – 12th grade students to change their program choice (ON/OFF campus) is offered in response to a directive from the Florida Department of Education received on November, 12. The directive set the timeline for change (beginning November 19), and requires P.K. Yonge to offer students the option to meet with teachers face-to-face 5 days a week with class rotations according to students’ schedules.
Program details for the November 19 change are provided below. Additional program information and responses to questions submitted below will be provided via email and the P.K. Yonge website on Wednesday, November 18 | Family Program Change Questions.
Students from 6th – 12th grade may decide to make a change to either 1) return to campus or 2) attend classes remotely beginning on November 19 or beginning December 1. Students not wishing to make changes may continue with their current program option.
As shared earlier, P.K. Yonge will have the option to offer the off-campus option in 2021 as long as the Commissioner of Education extends the current emergency order.
November 19 program changes must be submitted by Monday, November 16 at 3pm.
December 1 program changes must be submitted by Sunday, November 29 at 5pm.
For questions: Family Program Change Questions
To make your program CHANGE: P.K. Yonge Program Options | Secondary
Beginning Thursday, November 19
ON-campus students will attend classes as outlined in their class schedule, moving from classroom to classroom each period according to the updated Bell Schedule. Assigned course teachers will be in classrooms with students.
Students receive instruction daily from their assigned course teacher.
Students’ seats are assigned.
Faculty and students continue to follow UF Health guidelines: 1) Masks must be worn in accordance with UF Masking & Physical Distancing Policy. 2) Physical distancing as possible according to UF Masking & Physical Distancing Policy. 3) Wellness checks will be carried out each morning upon arrival to campus.
OFF-campus students will attend classes each period as identified in the updated Bell Schedule and attend ZOOM class meetings every period, every day.
– Students receive instruction daily from their assigned class teacher.
– Students will continue to use ZOOM, Canvas, and Hapara to engage in school.
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