New Secondary Building Update
December 9, 2020If you have seen images posted in our Secondary Building Album on Flickr or follow @ParrishMccall on Twitter you will know that we are at a point where plans are underway for moving into our new secondary building.
Based on current timelines, secondary students will begin attending classes in the new building on January 20
We have a few dates that we are working toward and some preliminary information to share with you.
January 12 – End of first semester
January 13 – January 19, 2020 – Student holidays / Teacher work days
January 13, 2020 – Our new Main Office will be operational. When you call P.K. Yonge during the semester break, you can expect that your call will be answered from our new Main Office!
January 20, 2020 – First day of second semester. Secondary students will begin attending classes in the new building.
Some Important Notes
Drop off, pick up, and parking locations will remain the same through the end of this school year. Elementary students will be dropped off in the front circle and secondary students will be dropped off at the gym. Visitors to campus will be directed to park in visitor parking by the Performing Arts Center.
Directions regarding access to the new building will be provided in January.
Once the building opens, construction activity will continue on our campus. We will make every effort to communicate with families well in advance should ongoing construction activities impact the school day or student and family access to campus.
A ribbon cutting event will be scheduled when we are able to invite families back on campus. We are eager to celebrate the opening of the building and share this incredible space with the Blue Wave community!
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