Announcements, Monday, 8/13
August 13, 2018Good Morning P.K. Yonge! Welcome to the 2018-19 School Year! It is great to see everyone back at school today. I’d like to extend a special Blue Wave welcome to our new-to-PKY students. We are excited to welcome you to the PK Family!
Today is Monday, August 13, and it is a 1-6 day. Hopefully you are now in your first period class and have received your class schedule and information about the schedule change process if you need it.
Please listen closely for some important announcements about school procedures this year.
In the morning, all 6-12 grade students should gather in the areas outside the cafeteria and K wing until the bell rings. 6th and 7th graders, the blue benches in the top circle are reserved for elementary students.
If you have Leadership Skills Development on your schedule, (a/k/a you will be a student aide this year) that class will meet with Dr. Hayes in the Elementary Conference Room on the second floor of the elementary building today.
If you have a virtual class during the school day, please report to the Community Classroom near the Business Office at the north end of campus.
There is a limited number of lockers available this year. If you would like a locker, please do the following:
- Find a locker on K or M wing that you want to claim for yourself.
- Bring your lock,combination, locker number, and wing on which it’s located to the table outside the cafeteria this week to register your information.
- After your information has been entered into the computer, you can place your lock on your locker.
- If you place a lock on a locker without registering it, the lock will be removed and discarded.
If you plan to park on campus, you need to purchase a parking decal from the business office by Friday of next week. Student parking permits are $25, the most affordable in town! We have tightened up our parking policies and procedures. You will not be allowed to park on campus unless you have a decal. Please see the Student Code of Conduct for more information. Spaces are limited, so get your decal as soon as possible.
There has been a change to procedures for when you are tardy to school or class. Tardy is defined as not being in your assigned learning space when the bell rings. If you are tardy, you will report to the front office or the ISD office, located in K331 to obtain a tardy slip at the Check In Kiosk. Either location works, but you are expected to go to the closest one. For example, if you are by the gym, go to K331 rather than walking all the way to the front office. Six unexcused tardies to the same class will result in one unexcused absence. There are very few reasons for a tardy to be considered excused, and only a limited number of parent notes will be accepted to excuse tardies. It is important that you are in class every day and on time. Please see the attendance policy on the website for more information.
Speaking of being in class…
The first 10 minutes and the last 10 minutes of each class period are protected times. Since you just had an opportunity to visit the restroom before the start of class, you should not need to go again during the first few minutes of class. Likewise, you should be able to wait out the last 10 minutes of class knowing that a break is coming soon. It is critical that we maximize instructional time. Having protected time will help us reach this goal.
At the end of the day, these are your options:
- Go home. Remember you should get picked up by the gym and exit through the 16th Avenue exit. Because of changes in traffic patterns at the north end of campus, it is in your best interest to avoid that area. Use the south gate to come and go to school.
- Go to your practice or rehearsal, if it begins immediately after school.
- If you are a high school student, go to the cafeteria for study hall. The cafeteria will be available until 5 PM each day. After 5 PM you should be off campus.
- If you are a middle school student, your parent will need to register you for BlueWave Afterschool or to the Bluewave Study Hall provided by Coach Cox. Middle School students are not allowed in the Cafeteria study hall after school.
For Biscuit Break there will be 4 lines open — two inside and two outside the café. Slushies will be available at all four lines. The east side of the cafeteria will be open for snacks and slushies during study hall Monday thru Friday till 3:30pm. We will feature beverages and snacks, yo dots and ice cream. Prices vary so we will let students know prices at the point of sale.. After 330 pm the vending machines will be stocked for purchases.
The food truck will be here next Monday, August 20th.
Due to construction and other safety considerations, space for eating lunch will be restricted to the following areas: Inside the cafeteria, outdoor cafeteria tables, outside patio tables, and wooden picnic tables on the grass near the cafeteria. Please remember to clean up after yourselves.
The secondary library is now located in the Art Gallery – N 376
The elementary library is located upstairs in the elementary building. Libraries will be open for checkouts (for students) beginning the third week of school
We are excited about kicking off the 2018 BlueWave football season. We will pump up our team and gear up for our first victory at a Pep Rally on Friday, August 24th, the day of our first home football game. There will be a contest to see which class shows the most spirit by wearing designated colors:
o Seniors – blue
o Juniors – white
o Sophomores – orange
o Freshmen – gray
The Cheerleaders have been planning an awesome Pep Rally, so get ready to GO BLUE WAVE!
Speaking of Football…
The Deadline for 8-12th graders to join the football team is Wednesday. New players are to meet in the weight room directly after school each day.
Varsity players are to report to Coach McDonald’s portable directly after school today. JV players are to report to the weight room.
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