Important Update – Please read!
January 12, 2018Please read below for important updates regarding next week’s schedule, middle school electives, K-6 health screenings, an Influenza update, P.K.’s plans to make up “Florida Snow Days,” and finally…tickets for the Spring Musical!
— Please read the WHOLE announcement! We know it’s long! —
Next Week’s Schedule | Dates 2017-18
Monday, January 15 is Martin Luther King Jr. Day,
Tuesday, January 16 is a student holiday/teacher workday.
Wednesday, January 17th marks the beginning of the new semester.
Elementary students will be released at the regular Wednesday dismissal time of 12:45pm.
Secondary students will have a 1-6 day and will be released at 2:35pm. | Bell Schedule
Middle School Electives | Skyward
The new semester means that Middle School semester-long and 9-week electives begin on Wednesday, January 17. Students enrolled in these courses should have received a schedule by Friday, January 12. If your child does not have a schedule, please check Skyward for details. If you have questions, please contact Ms. Ireland.
K-6 Health Screenings
K-6 Health Screenings will be taking place on January 25th. Please see the attached letter for more information. If you DO NOT wish your child to participate, please inform the school nurse in writing.
The Flu
The School Nurse shared that we have had a case of Influenza A reported on campus. Please see the CDC’s Flu Guide for Parents for important information about ways to safeguard your children from the flu.
P.K. Plans for Missed Days – 6th-12th Grades
In order to make up the two days missed due to “Florida Snow” with minimal disruption to the school calendar, dismissal will be at 2:40pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from Monday, January 22nd until Friday, May 25th for secondary students. The Elementary school schedule will remain unchanged.
Spring Musical: Pippin!
Tickets are on sale for the spring musical Pippin! Tickets are on sale HERE!
Friday, February 16 – 7pm, Saturday, February 17 – 2pm, 7pm, Thursday, February 22 – 7pm, Friday, February 23 – 7pm, Saturday, February 24 – 2pm, 7pm. Don’t miss it!
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