Hurricane Michael Update | 10/9 4:00pm
October 9, 2018P.K. Yonge will remain open on Wednesday October 10.
After careful consideration and based on the most current information that emergency management and weather officials have regarding Hurricane Michael, senior administrators at the University of Florida have determined that UF in Gainesville will remain open.
P.K. Yonge will remain open and all classes, events and activities will continue on a normal operating schedule. PSAT testing for all high school students who have registered will take place. Students who are testing off site (10th and 11th graders), please bring appropriate rain gear.
No hurricane or tropical storm watches or warnings have been issued for Alachua County. The current forecast from the National Weather Service in Jacksonville indicates minimal weather impacts in the Alachua County area. The declaration of a state of emergency in Alachua County is primarily to make make disaster funds and other resources available should it become necessary. Alachua County public schools plan to remain open as well.
Unless notified otherwise by email, phone, and indicated on the P.K. Yonge website and Facebook page, all students, staff, and faculty should come to school on Wednesday, October 10.
P.K. Yonge administration will monitor UF updates and should conditions change, official notification will be sent via our regular communication channels.
In addition, the Florida Public Radio Emergency Network offers a free mobile weather app to help stay informed of potential weather and other hazards: Florida Storms
Updates on Hurricane Michael may also be found at the National Hurricane Center
University of Florida updates may be found here: Hurricane Michael
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