Gym Lockers, Uniforms (Baseball, Softball, Band, Performing Arts)
April 23, 2020Secondary Families — Now that we know we won’t be returning to campus for the rest of the school year, we’re beginning to work on some of our regular end-of-year procedures. We’re making every effort to streamline the process, but please know there are many factors to consider.
We ask that families make visits to campus based on the dates published to help us comply with public health requirements and provide staffing support.
Gym Locker Clean Out
Uniform Returns for Baseball, Softball, Band, and Performing Arts
Tuesday, April 28 – Friday, May 1
South End of Campus
Gym Locker Cleanout – If your student has a gym locker and left items behind before spring break, please come to campus to retrieve those items at the times listed above. Any items left in lockers after May 1 will be thrown away.
Baseball/Softball Uniform Returns – Please make sure uniforms are clean and label with student’s name and coach’s name.
Campus Procedure: Gym Lockers, Baseball and Softball Uniforms
– At the main gate, you will be directed to drive down to the south end of campus.
– Cars line up in front of the gym (do not park in parking spaces).
– Wait in your vehicle to receive direction from P.K. Yonge staff
North End of Campus
Performing Arts and Band Uniform Returns: Please label uniforms with student’s name and teacher’s name.
Campus Procedure: Performing Arts and Band Uniforms
– At the main gate, you will be directed to turn left through the visitor lot.
– Follow the traffic pattern used during the school day (not at pick-up or drop-off).
– Turn right into the Front Circle, drive past the Front Office.
– Stop at the Performing Arts Center.
– Wait in your vehicle for a P.K. Yonge staff member to assist you.
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