First Day Back After the Storm
September 14, 2017Good Afternoon, P.K. Yonge families,
It warmed our hearts to see so many of our students, faculty, and staff back on campus today. We had A/C in our classrooms (minus a couple of hours on the second floor of the elementary building), delicious food available in our cafeteria, working Internet, and lots of warm smiles permeating our campus. It was good to be back and to work toward getting things back to normal. We are all excited that we will have fewer days to make up later in the school year.
We know we have a few families that are being challenged by the rising river waters, and there are many homes still waiting for electricity or passable roadways. Please don’t hesitate to let us know if you are facing unexpected challenges, and if we can help with any post-storm hardships.
Our teachers are sensitive to the fact that several students were unable to get to school today. They have adapted their lesson plans, reduced their dependence on the Internet and charged Chromebooks, and are ready to assist students when they return next week with any lessons or work they need help completing. The past week has been unprecedented, so we will continue to work together to support the success of every student and not penalize those who were unable to join us today or tomorrow.
We are incredibly fortunate that we had only one classroom with a leaky roof that was quickly addressed after the storm. And, one power line down to the lift station (think sewage) that was prioritized to be fixed so we could re-open school right away. There were several folks at the University working hard to help us get back up and running as quickly as possible. We are grateful.
Today we received a text and email of appreciation from the Florida Department of Education for getting our students back to school so quickly.
We were so fortunate, and we can’t help but be reminded about the conversations we had with Tom Beyer’s AP students right before the storm where they wondered, “What are creature comforts?” Last week their responses were limited; this week I believe we all have a better idea of what this means!
We hope that everyone continues to be safe and that we find ways to assist others in need as the challenges to many continue.
Take care and we hope to see you in the hallways on Friday or next week.
Carrie Geiger & Lynda Hayes
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