COVID-19 Protocol Update + Reminders

March 30, 2022

P.K. Yonge Families — With the number of positive cases of COVID-19 in our community trending downward, recent adjustments have been made to COVID-19 protocols on campus. Please see below for masking language, for a reminder about what to do when a student experiences symptoms of COVID-19, and for current campus protocols for positive cases of COVID-19 and close contacts.

Masks on Campus
Masks are welcome on the University of Florida/P.K. Yonge campus. We express support for members of the UF/Blue Wave community who wish to continue to wear masks for their safety or the safety of others. We encourage all members of the community to be sensitive to and patient with the preferences of those around you.

Please note that masks will no longer be provided for students at P.K. Yonge. For students choosing to wear masks, we recommend bringing backup masks in the event that a mask breaks or is misplaced.


What to Do When Experiencing Symptoms
We remind all families of the following steps if a student is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19.

1. Don’t come to school, self-isolate.
2. Get a COVID-19 test.
3. Seek medical care if deemed necessary.
4. Contact the school nurse for questions or concerns:


Campus Protocols for Close Contacts
Families of students identified as close contacts to a positive case of COVID-19 on campus are notified by email Monday – Friday during school hours. If families have questions, please contact

For close contacts who do not develop symptoms of COVID-19, the student is able to remain in school. While a negative test result is not required, CDC guidelines recommend close contacts be tested on day five (5) to assess for asymptomatic infections. For close contacts who develop COVID symptoms, even if mild, please begin self-isolation away from others, get tested, and notify the P.K. Yonge nurse:


Campus Protocols for Positive Cases
Students who receive positive COVID-19 test results (including at home tests) should notify the P.K. Yonge nurse ( and isolate off campus. Families of positive cases should expect a phone call from the Florida Department of Health at the University of Florida (DOH at UF).

There is now one option to return to school for students who receive positive COVID-19 test results. Self-isolate at home for a minimum of five (5) days from the onset of symptoms. If asymptomatic, self-isolate for a minimum of five (5) from the date the positive test was performed.

The earliest a student may return to school is on day six (6). Before returning to school a student must not have had a fever for at least 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing medications. All other symptoms must have improved or resolved (excluding loss of taste and/or smell, as these symptoms can continue for several weeks or months after you are no longer infectious). If the student does not meet this criterion on day five (5), isolation will be extended in consultation with the school nurse, initially by three (3) days, and then until day eleven (11) if needed. The P.K. Yonge Clinic will contact families on day five (5) to determine whether a student may return on day six (6). 

More details regarding protocols for positive cases and return dates will be supplied by the P.K. Yonge nurse. When returning to school after isolation, all students must check in with the nurse before returning to class.


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