Class of 2022 Update!
January 21, 2022Welcome to the last semester of your school career! Things are going to start to get busy!
Coming up next (on January 31) are Cap & Gown, Senior Class and “Lifer” photos.
Mrs. Koppitch sends messages frequently and through various sources to help seniors and their families stay on track. See below for details and a calendar of events and deadlines. All this information (and more!) can be found in the Senior Newsletter, on the Senior Class 2021-22 Canvas Course and don’t forget to check Senior Key Dates and Costs.
Second Semester Updates
Welcome back to the last half of your senior year! Here are a few updates and reminders to get your semester started:
Cap & Gown Pictures: January 31, DaVinci Studio (elementary building) Students will follow this schedule.
A-L | 8-10 am | Davinci Studio (elementary building)
M-Z | 10-12 am | Davinci Studio (elementary building)
The Senior Class and P.K. “Lifer” pictures: January 31 on the top field (past the football field) at 12:50. The “Lifer” picture will be taken after the field picture.
It’s Senior Ad Time! Here’s the link to purchase an ad to recognize a Class of ’22 student. The option to buy an ad closes on January 31. See Mr. Mathien for more information.
Senior Questionnaire – Leave your quote and baby picture for our yearbook. Link closes January 31.
Yearbooks are still on sale! You can purchase one online for $80.
Grad Bash is coming! P.K. will be going on Saturday, April 30. The cost is $90 and you can pay by card in the business office starting February 18. Deadline to pay is Friday, March 4. Permission slips and forms must be signed by parents and returned with payment. Check the Senior Canvas Course for more details as we get closer.
Review your senior credit check and ask any clarifying questions necessary if you are unsure about graduation.
Listen to the announcements for scholarships and check the Counseling Canvas Course for announcements and updates.
Santa Fe College Foundation wants high school seniors to complete the scholarship application by the priority date of February 15. Santa Fe has over $1.8 million to give away to deserving eligible students. See Santa Fe Foundation Scholarships Application.
SF Achieve is designed to break down barriers to attending college by connecting all public high school students in Alachua and Bradford Counties with Achieve Team Members from Santa Fe College who will visit their campus regularly and can personally guide them through the college application process, as well as offering scholarships, mentoring, and even money for books! SF Achieve is free, there’s no long application process, and the most important thing students need to do to be eligible is to graduate from high school. Visit SF Achieve Information & Sign Up. To help introduce the program to the community, we’ll be holding a virtual Inaugural Information Workshop on Monday, January 24 at 6-7pm on Zoom where you can learn more about the Achieve Program, meet the members of the team who will be working with students at their schools, and ask questions.
SF Achieve Information Workshop
Monday, January 24, 6-7pm
Register for the workshop at
On the Calendar
– January 31: Cap and Gown photos on campus (see Mr. Mathien for details)
– February 18: Grad Bash Money Due
– March: Senior Project Presentations (see Dr. Haas Moskowitz for details)
– April 1: Community Service Hours Due
– April 30: Grad Bash
– May 14: Parking Spot Re-Painting (9am-noon). See Canvas for more details
– May 21: Prom
– May 19-20: Senior Exams
– May 23: Senior Activities Day (details upcoming)
– May 24: Senior Breakfast/ Senior Awards / Senior Picnic/ Final Wave Walk (families welcome)
– May 25: Senior Activities Day (details upcoming)
– May 26: Graduation Rehearsal and Graduation
– May 27: Parking Spot Re-Painting (9a-noon). If you paint a parking spot in the fall, you are required to attend one of these 2 days (5/14 OR 5/27), or you will be charged a $30 fee.
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