Carnival! Friday, October 11, 3-6pm
October 9, 2019When & Where is Carnival?
Friday, October 11, 2019, 3-6pm on the North/Top Field of the P.K. Yonge campus.
What kind of things happen at Carnival?
There will be bounce house obstacle courses, seven (or more) Carnival-style games for prizes, festival food (pizza, chicken sandwiches, popcorn, cotton candy, drinks), opportunity to buy Chance Drawing tickets for valuable & fun themed baskets, bid on silent auction items, high school club activities/fundraisers, touch-a-firetruck, touch-an-ambulance, snow cones, Spirit Wear sales, a great DJ, and live bands from our own talented PKY Arts program. *whew*
Is there an entry fee? How do I pay for things at Carnival?
There is no entry fee, but tickets are required for all activities at Carnival except the Chance Drawing booth and Spirit Wear sales. These special roll tickets will be for sale before and after school on the top circle beginning October 7th.
How much are tickets?
Tickets before Carnival (up to the morning of) are discounted 12 for $5.00.
We accept cash, check, or you may step up to the school Business Office to run a credit card.
Tickets at Carnival are 10 for $5.00, or $0.50 each, cash or charge only.
How many tickets do activities and/or food cost?
Games & activities require 1-4 tickets. Food & drinks require 2-10 tickets. Please Click here to see a list of this year’s prices. A good rule of thumb is to plan to purchase 30-40 tickets per child.
What are the Chance Drawing Baskets?
Chance Drawing Baskets are themed-baskets full of fun items from generous donors like you! See the latest list of basket items by clicking here. A “chance” to win costs $1.00 OR two (2) Carnival roll tickets. Tickets can be printed by clicking here. Print, complete, and bring your tickets with payment any time up to the drawing at 5:40pm at Carnival. There will also be blank tickets at Carnival in the big tent. You do not need to be present to win. Good luck!
What is Carnival Silent Auction?
Silent Auction gives bidders the opportunity to go home with valuable items such as theme park, concert, & museum tickets at a discount. Click here to see a current list of items available for bidding at Carnival.
Where can I drop off my drink donations?
Donations of canned Pepsi products & 20oz Gatorade products help offset Carnival costs – thank you! Drinks may be dropped off any time before Wednesday, October 9th at the Carnival ticket sales table on the circle (Oct. 7-9) or in the elementary communities’ blue bins.
My child is in Blue Wave After School; can they go to Carnival? Where do I pick them up?
Parents with students in BWAS may email permission to for their child to be released from care on Carnival day, but be aware that there will be NO supervision of your student after they are released.
On Carnival day, BWAS students can only be picked up on the Front Circle.
Where can I park for Carnival?
Please see our map of campus by clicking here. You may park in the Visitor lot next to the circle field, or in the high school lot at the south end of campus. We realize that parking is limited, and your patience is appreciated! Note that parking in the dirt lot next to the Carnival field will be restricted to Disabled, Emergency, and vendor parking ONLY.
My high school student wants to volunteer to earn volunteer hours; who should we contact?
High school students wishing to earn volunteer hours should use this link to Signup Genius to commit to a Carnival day 2:30-6:30pm shift before Tuesday, October 8th.
My child entered the poster contest. How will I know if he/she won?
We will announce the poster contest winners at 3:30pm during Carnival. Prizes include tickets, so participants will want to be present to use their prizes!
Is there supervision for my child if I can’t come with them?
There is NO supervision of children at Carnival. Parents should use their best judgment as to whether their child is responsible enough to enjoy Carnival alone or not.
Will there be a First Aid booth?
The PKY school nurse, Eva, has graciously volunteered to be at Carnival to care for any minor injuries. She will be stationed at the Chance Drawing tent. Please thank her when you see her!
I can’t attend Carnival, but I want to donate to PTO; how may I do that?
Donations are always welcomed at the PKY Cashier’s Office. Thank you!
What if I don’t use all of my tickets? What if it rains? May I get a refund?
Unused tickets are valid for next year’s Carnival too! Carnival will happen rain or shine. There are no refunds, but remember that all proceeds support the PTO.
Are pets allowed at Carnival?
Only service animals are permitted on the Carnival field.
What does Carnival support?
Fall Carnival is a long-standing tradition which supports the Parent-Teacher Organization, which in turn supports our beloved school. To see a list of past PTO projects, click here. PLEASE Join our Facebook page to keep up-to-date with current PTO activities!
When is next year’s Carnival?
We’ll set the date for next year’s Fall Carnival in the spring, after consulting with PKY Administration.
My question hasn’t been answered; who can I contact?
Contact Catherine Cake at