Announcements – Wednesday, August 23
August 23, 2023Today is Wednesday, August 23.
There will be a meeting for all current National Honor Society members on Friday, August 25 during High School lunch in First Floor Green Wing.
Study Abroad
Are you interested in Study Abroad? Students who will have 3 or more years of Spanish language and will be 15 by June 1 are encouraged to apply for the Rosa Rabell Scholarship. You will have the opportunity to do a short-term study abroad to Panama next summer!
Hispanic Month
All the students participating in the Hispanic Month show please see Mrs. Santiago tomorrow during lunch and after school L- 356
All members of the Hispanic Honor Society please plan to be in our meeting tomorrow during lunch L-356
ECO Club
The PK Environmental Conservation Organization (ECO) will hold its second meeting tomorrow during high school lunch at the benches around the big live oak tree. We will be electing officers at this meeting; all members please plan to attend.
Congrats to the Fall/Winter Play Casts
Thank you to everyone who auditioned for the fall/winter plays. Cast lists are posted on Mrs. Hemmerich’s door and the first rehearsal for Murder on the Orient Express will be tomorrow, Thursday, August 24th. Please meet in Mrs. Hemmerich’s room for a read through.
Senior Portraits
Seniors – if you haven’t already taken your senior portraits with SWI, please do so soon. These are the pictures that will be in the yearbook. You may call SWI, or go to their website to schedule an appointment.
Club Showcase
Attention Students!
Get ready for an exhilarating event TODAY during high school advisory from 9:10 AM to 9:50 AM.
Join us for the Club Showcase, a fantastic opportunity to explore a wide array of sports and clubs our school has to offer. Each group will be stationed at their respective table, showcasing crucial information and offering a selection of items for sale, from sweets and baked goods to the latest trendy school merchandise, bracelets, and stickers. Remember to bring your cash to take home some fun new merchandise! See you there!
Please pause for a moment of silence:
Please stand for the pledge:
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Have a wonderful day Blue Wave!
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