Announcements – Wednesday, August 16
August 16, 2023Today is Wednesday, August 16.
Academic Study Hall
Academic Study Hall continues today from 3:00 PM to 4 PM. This is held on the first floor of the secondary building. There will be teachers, tutors, and a behavior coach present to ensure that students are engaged in academic tasks and receiving the help they need.
Secondary students can do one of four things at the end of the school day:
- Get picked up or drive yourself off campus (if you are student driver)
- Report to the Middle School Blue Wave Afterschool Program (if you are a middle school student who enrolled in the program)
- Be engaged in an extracurricular activity with a coach or club sponsor, OR
- Participate in the Academic Study Hall. Remember, if you are at study hall, your parent needs to notify the front office when they arrive to pick you up so that you can be dismissed.
Student Drivers
Student drivers, it’s time to purchase your parking decals from the business office if you have not already done so. You will need a copy of your driver’s license, auto insurance, and vehicle registration, your vehicle plate number, as well as a parent signature to complete the process. Applications for parking decals are available in the business office. Friday is the deadline to have your parking decal in place to park on campus. Students who turn 16 throughout the year can fill out the forms once they turn 16 and get their decals at that time.
Thespians! There will be an interest meeting on Thursday, August 17th in Mrs. Hemmerich’s room during HS lunch. They will also be nominating officers. Please join them to learn more about Thespians and what they do during the school year!
NHS Officers
NHS Officers will meet August 18 in Blue 316 during lunch. It is only a officers meeting.
Hispanic Honor Society
To all the members of the Hispanic Society and students interested in belonging to Hispanic Honor Society our first meeting will be this Wednesday 8/16 during lunch in room L-356. We are doing the calendar of activities for the Hispanic Month. All students interested in participating in the Hispanic Month activities that are interested in dancing, playing music and or singing songs in Spanish please come to the meeting.
ECO Club
Do you enjoy being outside? Are you interested in saving the environment? Do you like earning service hours doing these things? Join us in the Environmental Conservation Organization (ECO)! Our first meeting of the year will be tomorrow during high school lunch at the benches around the big live oak tree. Hope to see you there!
Pre-Season Volleyball Game
Come out to our first pre-season varsity volleyball match at Trinity Catholic in Ocala at 7pm! See you there!
Health Science Club
All 10th, 11th and 12th grade students interested in health professions are invited to participate in an interest meeting for the Health Sciences Club next Monday after school from 2:35 to 3:15 pm in Dr. Cordero’s room, PKY 310. We look forward to seeing you to discuss the future plans of the club.
Gaming Club
GAMING CLUB will meet in Room 132 with Mr. Lincoln after school on Mondays! We have many new games, new and upgraded Magic Commander decks, and lots of fun to be had. Anyone in Middle or High School is welcome. Gaming Club will occur most Mondays after school until 4:30 or 5:00 pm. Come check it out!
Fall and Winter Play Auditions
Join us for AUDITIONS on Tuesday, August 22nd at 2:50pm in Mrs. Hemmerich’s Room.
PLEASE SIGN UP and access audition materials from the PKY Performing Arts Facebook page, Instagram or from Mrs. Hemmerich’s canvas announcements by FRIDAY, AUGUST 18TH.
Students will be auditioning for either or both fall/winter plays, Murder On the Orient Express and Little Scrooge. See you there!
Please pause for a moment of silence:
Please stand for the pledge:
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Have a wonderful day Blue Wave!
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