Announcements, Wednesday
February 7, 2018Good morning, Blue Wave. Today is Wednesday, February 7th and it is an A Day!
Congratulations to our UNDEFEATED girls soccer team on their 3-2 victory over Mt. Dora last night in the Regional Quarterfinals. The girls advance to the Regional Semi-Finals and will host The Villages this Friday at 7:00pm!
Congratulations to the boys basketball team on their Senior Night victory over Williston! The boys are back in action this Friday at Florida Prep! Good luck Blue Wave Basketball!
This announcement sponsored by ARK: this week , Feb 5 – 9th, is
“Start with Hello Week”. We challenge everyone to say hello to 2 people they do not ordinarily say hello to, and if you are brave enough follow up with a conversation starter!
Attention 7th – 12th graders: Are you interested in performing poetry or spoken word? The 4th annual Alachua County-wide teen poetry showcase will be held on February 25th, 2018 at 5pm. The goal is to have students across the county be highlighted for their poetic gifts. Last year, several of you performed with the GHS poetry club and they would like you to join them again. If you are interested, or need more information, please see Mrs. Koppitch in the library.
The P.K. Yonge Spring Musical, PIPPIN, opens on Friday, February 16th and continues through February 24th. Get your tickets online or in the business office. PIPPIN is the story of one young man’s journey to find fulfillment in life. PIPPIN, heir to the throne, believes he is meant to do extraordinary things but he finds out that happiness lies not in extraordinary endeavors, but rather in the real-life moments that happen every day. Don’t miss this show! It really is extraordinary.
The P.K. Yonge Student Government and Administration would like to invite students to join us in the library during power hour for our first ever Dress Code Town Hall meeting. The town hall will give middle and high school students the opportunity to provide input and opinions toward the revision of PKY’s dress code. The meetings will be Thursday, February 15th and Friday, February 16th in order to accommodate a variety of schedules. If you would like to make your voice heard, please plan to attend the event.
Good Morning, the National Junior Honor Society has accepted the challenge of helping to find a cure for blood cancer! Over the next 3 weeks our school will be working to reach a goal of $1,000. If everyone at the school donates $1 we can reach this goal! You can donate any amount (pennies, quarters or dollars). Donations for the Pennies for Patients campaign will be collected for your first period class. The first period class with the highest collection can win a celebration party if the school’s goal is reached. Thanks in advance for your generosity!
If you want a senior T shirt, please get a form from one of the senior officers and bring the form and $9 to Mr. Bice. Please turn your money in by Friday.
Grad Bash is April 13th. Money collection for Grad Bash will begin next week and run for two weeks!
Power Hour:
There is no Power Hour today but here are some Power Hour reminders for the rest of the week…
If you requested a kindness button during the week of Jan 22, ARK is happy to report that your button will be delivered today. Enjoy wearing it! We have a few extra buttons, see Mrs. Ireland if you would like one.
The Middle School Broadway Fan Club is starting up! This club includes musicals like Hamilton, Wicked, Dear Evan Hanson and more. If you are interested, please come to an interest meeting tomorrow in Dr. Mundorf’s room. If you have any questions please ask Kayla Richardson or Maggie Klein.
Attention Black Student Union members – this week’s meeting will be in the Library during Power Hour on Friday. Again, we will NOT meet in Ms. Boehm’s room. We will be meeting in the Library.
Have a wonderful day!
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