Announcements, Wednesday, 12/5
December 5, 2018Today is Wednesday, December 5th and it is a B Day.
Will the students ever beat the teachers on the court? Come to the Student-Faculty basketball game this Friday to find out! Tickets are on sale at lunch today–still only $3 or 3 cans of food. All proceeds go to charity.
Middle School National Honor Society Members please come to our meeting this Thursday during lunch in Mrs. Beckett’s room. We will be working to plan our next service projects. Please fill out the Google survey in your Canvas Inbox before coming to the meeting.
Signing up for the Blood Drive will end TODAY December 5th. Anyone who is 16 year olds will need a parent permission form to give blood. Everyone giving blood must bring their photo ID this upcoming Thursday which is the day of the drive. Students can sign up for a timeslot with Dalton Smith or Colby Joiner before, and after school, as well as at lunch. If you gave blood at the last blood drive you cannot give blood during this week’s drive because LifeSouth has changed their rules. Remember that you must have permission from your teacher before you can leave class. Thanks for donating blood on Thursday December 6th!
Attention Track & Field: Track and Field Conditioning will take place on Mondays and Wednesdays after school instead of Tuesday and Thursday until the holiday break.
The Winter Holiday Chorus concert for middle and high school choirs will be held Thursday, December 6th at 7pm. Admission is free, but a donation to Toys for Tots would be greatly appreciated. The Toys for Tots program is in great need of new unwrapped toys for children in the Gainesville area. Please join us for some terrific holiday music and bring a toy to help a child.
Our PKY Thespians had an amazing weekend at District competition. Our entire troupe gave fabulous performances. Extra kudos to Alex Barba for superior in Solo Monologue, Austin Halvosa for superior in solo musical, Cierra Boutin, Samantha White, Dari Merced-Calderon, Patryk Weller, Ellie Shreve, Kacie Baily, Katie Rocha, Trinity Barber, and Austin Halvosa for superior in Choreography, and Jahnise Nixon for superior and Critics Choice for solo monologue. Congratulations to all our PKY Thespians!
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