Announcements, Wednesday
October 18, 2017Good morning, Blue Wave. Today is Wednesday, October 18th and it is an A Day!
The entire student body, faculty, and staff is invited to wear orange and blue tomorrow as a show of unity and our commitment to promoting peace, love, and justice.
Make-up photo day will be Monday, October 23rd from 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM in the library. Students and staff who missed the initial photo day should plan to stop in during their lunch or power hour. Additional order forms are available in the main office.
All members participating in Poetry Out Loud will meet again on October 26. You must come with two poems memorized and ready to present.
Ladies and Gentleman! Children of all ages! Get your tickets NOW for the fall play, DRACULA! Performances are October 26th-28th at 7:00 and 2:00 pm. Come to DRACULA!, for the fright of your life! Muah, ha, ha!
Team spots are still open for the 16-team, 3-on-3 Waverunner Basketball Tournament. Registration is $7 per person. Five people must be on each team. For those who have already signed up, please see Jerome Reed as soon as possible to pay for entry! For sign-up details, Jerome and Judah Carroll. The tournament will be held on Saturday, November 4th.
Auditions for Pippin are just two weeks away. Sign up for your audition time slot on the PKY website. Go to the Spring Musical page where you will find audition materials, individual roles, the ensemble, and a link to sign up. There will be a help session during power hour on Thursday, October 19th in Dr. Harris room in the PAC, room A-104. Whatever your talent is, this show has a place for you! Questions? See Dr. Harris or Mrs. Snyder.
School Counseling:
Jimmy Yawn from Santa Fe College is coming to do career exploration tomorrow during Power Hour in the Community Classroom. Bring your chromebooks!
Juniors and Seniors! Look for an email coming your way regarding the free SAT in November for Alachua County students. If your parent/guardian does not receive this email and you would like to take advantage of the opportunity, please come see Ms. Bryen before October 25th.
The FREE meals for students will expire this week. Please be advised that if you are on paid or reduced status, you will be charged for meals starting on Monday, October 23rd. Please make sure that you have money in your account to cover your meals.
Congratulations to the boys and girls swimming and diving team! District Champions of girls, boys, and overall meet champions!
There will be a girl’s basketball meeting today for anyone in grades 6-12 that are interested in playing basketball this year. Meeting starts at 1:45pm and will be held in the weight room.
Have a great day!
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