Announcements, Wednesday, 1/9
January 9, 2019Today is Wednesday, January 9th and it is an A Day. We will have a regular A-B schedule this week, with the exception of Friday, which will be a 1-6 day since it is the last day of the first semester.
SBAC night school driver education classes begin Thursday, 1/24/19 at the Traffic Safety Center. Please call Scott Pritchett at 352-955-6959 to register. All pertinent information can be found on the SBAC website.
High school students who are interested in taking the daytime driver education course during the 2nd semester should see Coach Kent Johnson to get their name on the list. The class meets on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 7:15 am, and on Wednesday afternoons from 1:50 until 2:40 pm. There is a $100 fee to take the course. Sign up is on a “First come, First serve basis,” until the class is full.
Congratulations to Varsity Soccer for their great performance last night. Girls soccer won and boys soccer tied. Way to go, Blue Wave!
For anyone who missed the track interest meeting, please come to the meeting on Friday, January 11th at 2:25 in the cafeteria so we can add you to the roster and provide information.
Track conditioning will take place every day this week. Meet at the rear gymnasium doors on the back roadway right afterschool. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday will end at 4pm, Wednesday will end at 3:30pm.
The College Information and Readiness Club is asking that all our SENIORS, who have college acceptances letters, to fill out the survey, which has been sent through your Remind/SMS from Mr. Lightbourne.
Any middle or high school students interested in participating on the Varsity Tennis team this season should refer to the Boys or Girls Tennis website for more information. Practice will begin in late January. For more information, contact Coach Van Boven.
Reminder: There will be no National Junior Honors society meeting this week or next week. Instead, we will meet January 24th during lunch in Mrs. Beckett’s room.
The middle school Science Olympiad team will meet for the next two weeks every day during lunch and after school in Dr. Cordero’s room. All members please plan to attend as we will be preparing for our competition on January 19th.
From Mrs. Ireland: Attention All Middle School Kindness club members:
Our yearbook club photo will be taken today during our regular lunch time club meeting. Meet in our regular location. Please attend, as I want all to be in photo.
Iced coffee is now available in the main cafeteria during breakfast hours 7:30-8:00 am we have flavors – Vanilla, Hazelnut, Chocolate, and Carmel–Topped with whipped topping for $2.50
Attention middle school Project Lit book club – we won’t be meeting this Friday in order to give you more time to read the book. If you need to check out a copy still, come see Mrs. Koppitch in the library in the art wing to grab one. We are reading The First Rule of Punk this month. If you have attended past meetings, you have been added to the Project Lit Canvas account. Please check your canvas to accept the invitation. All middle school students are invited to join our club! We will meet on Friday, January 25th during lunch.
Attention high school Project Lit book club – we won’t be meeting this Friday in order to give you more time to come and get your copy. Come see Mrs. Koppitch in the library in the art wing to grab one. We are reading Trevor Noah’s Born a Crime this month. If you have attended past meetings, you have been added to the Project Lit Canvas account. Please check your canvas to accept the invitation. All high school students are invited to join our club! We will meet in Mr. Kovach’s room during lunch on Friday, January 25th.
BSU members – we have a meeting after school on Thursday in Mr. Lemstrom’s room, L356. Please remember to order your t-shirts and work on your narratives.
Senior Night for the boys’ soccer team will be this Friday January 11th. Come out at 7pm to cheer on the boys as they take on Interlachen. Again, that’s Boys Soccer Senior Night Friday January 11th at 7pm.
Our 1st UNICEF High school meeting of the year, would be this Friday January 11 during lunch. Please come with your videos ready.
Our 1st Global Awareness Club meeting will be on Friday January 25th during lunch. Please come with your videos ready for the 7 billion competition.
The Hispanic Honor Society will meet on Wednesday January 16th during lunch. All students participating in competitions, please remember to pay your competition fees.
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