Announcements, Wed., 08.26.2020
August 26, 2020Good morning! Today is Wednesday, August 26th.
Secondary teachers, please check your email for a request to help by posting an announcement for off-campus advisory students in your Canvas courses. Please be sure to post the announcement during first period!
All 6th-12th grade students have advisory time from 9:05-9:30 today.
Reminder: All schedule change requests are due by 5 PM today. Use the form on counselors’ page on the website.
The football team will be accepting new players until tomorrow at 3pm. If you are in grades 6-12 and would like to join the team, please see Coach McDonald or Coach Courtney after school outside the gym on the tennis court area where the 4 portables are.
Auditions for the fall play, 10 WAYS TO SURVIVE LIFE IN QUARANTINE, are Thursday September 3. Info about audition signups are on the Performing Arts Facebook page and Instagram. Feel free to contact any PKY thespians, visit the Thespians club page or Ms. Snyder directly! Come to ZOOM and audition for this hilarious play about life in quarantine!
Today’s dismissal time is 1:15 PM and the secondary lunch times are as follows:
Lunch A 11:40
Lunch B 12:10
Please stand for the pledge: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Have a great day, Blue Wave!
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