Announcements – Wed., Oct. 12
October 12, 2022Good morning! Today is Wednesday, October 12th. On this day in 1923 the Academia Costarricense de la Lengua (Costa Rican Academy of Language) was founded in San José. On the same day four years later, the Dominican Republic created the Dominican Academy of Language. Both academies are members of the Association of Spanish Language Academies and have the principal function of working to regulate the Spanish language.
Congrats JV and Varsity Volleyball
Congratulations to the Jv and varsity volleyball teams who defeated St. Francis 2 games to 0 and 3 games to 0. Good luck versus Hawthorne this Thursday.
Volunteer Hours with McIntosh Lions Club
Do you need service hours? The McIntosh Lions Club gladly welcomes volunteers to help them at their booth during the McIntosh 1890’s Festival.
The Lions Club will be set up at their traditional site, on Avenue G, diagonally across from the McIntosh Post Office. If you wish to attend and earn service hours, please plan to be at the booth by 9 a.m. on November 5th.
BluePrint Club
The BluePrint club meeting for this week has been canceled. All members, please check your school email to vote for your favorite t-shirt design. Our meetings will resume next Thursday.
Fall Play: Ax of Murder
Come see the fall play AX OF MURDER playing October 12-15th in the PKY Performing Arts Center. Tickets are only $8 and you can buy them on the school website or the Hometown Ticketing app. This fast-paced mystery will keep you guessing until the last minute!Come see this awesome play and support the students involved, and guess who-done-it in AX OF MURDER!
Homecoming Court Nominations
Attention high schoolers – homecoming is almost here and it’s time to nominate your homecoming court. Check Canvas for the nomination form for your grade. Nominations close on Friday.
Volunteer at Homecoming Events
Need more community service hours? We need volunteers for several events for homecoming. Check Canvas for a volunteer sign up form today!
Dual Enrollment
Are you interested in dual enrolling at Santa Fe or UF next year? Dual enrollment interest agreements are available for rising juniors and seniors on our school website and in the main office. The Interest agreement should be read, completed, and turned in by October 14, 2022.
Senior Yearbook Quotes
Seniors please complete the Google Form Ms. Koppitch posted in the senior canvas course to submit your senior quote to be published in the yearbook. The due date for senior quotes is Friday, October 21.
Senior Parking Spots
Seniors – Last day to paint your parking spot is Monday during the teacher workday. Make sure you’ve purchased your spot at the business office and sent your design for approval to Mrs. Koppitch by this Thursday, Oct. 13th. You must do both in order to paint your spot. Remember to bring your own painting supplies, a broom and to clean up after yourselves. For any questions, please see Mrs. Koppitch
Please pause for a moment of silence:
Please stand for the pledge:
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Have a wonderful day Blue Wave!
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