Announcements – Wed., May 10

May 10, 2023

Good morning! Today is Wednesday May 10th which marks M day in our Z to A countdown to the end of the year. Tomorrow is L Day, LOVE day!  Wear something you love! 

Football Cheer

Varsity Football Cheer Try-Outs will be held on Monday, 15th, Tuesday, May 16th and Wednesday May 17th from 4:45-6:30pm in the gymnasium. This is a change in date to the following week. Please pick-up a try-out packet from the front office or online on the varsity cheer page.

Boys Basketball

Interested in playing boys basketball at the JV or Varsity level next year? There will be an interest meeting on Thursday, May 11th at 4pm in the gymnasium. 

BSU College Tour

For the BSU College Tour this coming Friday, the bus will leave promptly at 5:45am from the PKY Gym. Please bring money to purchase lunch or pack a lunch, but dinner will be provided.

Prom Court

11th and 12th graders! Nomination forms for Prom court have been emailed by the counseling department! Please choose one name to nominate for Prom King and Queen if you’re a Senior, and Prince & Princess if you’re a Junior. You will have until Tuesday, May 16th to nominate candidates for these honors!

Prom Music

An announcement from Mr. Moody: All music being played by the DJ at Prom has been requested by students at PK. Mr. Moody did not create a playlist on his own. That being said, not all music that was requested will be played. Please be assured, however, that every song played will be a song that was requested by STUDENTS. Please help reassure your friends and fellow students of this, and anyone who has any questions is welcome to ask Mr. Moody directly. 

Cross Country

There will be an interest meeting for the fall 2023 cross country team on Tuesday, May 16th directly after school in the cafeteria. All interested students please attend.

Trash at Lunch

Lastly, a special message From Mrs. Bogart:

Hello Students. Recently there have been enormous amounts of trash left behind after lunch. We have a wonderful group of people who help keep our campus clean and safe. However, their job is not to pick up your trash from all over the ground and tables. We are all custodians for PK Yonge and can practice the “we over me” mindset every day.


Please pause for a moment of silence: 

Please stand for the pledge: 

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 

Have a wonderful day Blue Wave!

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