Announcements – Wed., Jan. 25
January 25, 2023Good morning! Today is Wednesday, January 25th
Congrats Students!
Congratulations, students! Your FAST scores are improving. Thank you for working hard to do your best on these math and reading tests. You can view your progress in your Family Access Portal on Skyward. The next round of FAST testing happens in May. The work you do every day in your classes helps you prepare for the final round. Keep up the good work!
Softball Tryouts
Interested in playing softball? JV and Varsity try-outs will be Wednesday, January 25th and Thursday, January 26th from 4-6pm at the softball field. Please have an updated FHSAA physical and parent consent turned into Coach Barrett before try-outs.
Announce Jan. 19-26th
PKY Middle School… the NJHS ‘winter wonderland’ social is being held on Friday Jan 27th from 6-8pm!! Tickets are $5 and can be purchased during middle school lunch Monday 23rd through Thursday 26th. We hope to see you there!!
Senior Cap & Gown Pictures
Seniors, your cap and gown pictures will be taken on Monday January 30 in the first floor blue open space. Caps and gowns will be provided. Seniors with last names beginning A-L will be photographed between 8 and 10. Seniors with last names beginning M-Z will be photographed between 10 and 12. Teachers of seniors, thank you for your patience with this interruption.
Senior Grad Bash Money
Seniors – Due to a new Universal Studios policy, there has been a change in the due date for Grad Bash money. You may start purchasing tickets on Friday, January 27th. All sales are due by Tuesday, February 14th. This is a few weeks earlier than originally planned, so please make sure you don’t miss out! Permission slips and forms are available in the front office. You must turn these signed forms in to the business office when you buy your tickets. You can pay by check or credit card. The business office is open for ticket sales M-F 7:30-8, 12:30-1, and 2:30-3. Please do not ask to leave class to buy your tickets. For any questions, see the senior canvas course, or check with Mrs. Koppitch.
AP Lit Book Club
AP Lit book club please wear your shirts and meet for the club picture in front of the gym at 12:35 on Thursday 1/26 with the club meeting to follow.
K/1 Selling Coffee to HS Drivers
On Friday , January 27th K/1 will be selling hot coffee and cold brew for $5.00 cash only in the student parking lot. Please by a coffee and help support our trip to Animal Kingdom.
Congrats JV Basketball
Congrats to the JV basketball team for defeating the Rock school 74-56 last night
Please pause for a moment of silence:
Please stand for the pledge:
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
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