Announcements, Wed. 12-1-2021
December 1, 2021Good morning! Today is Wednesday, December 1st.
Seniors – Senior shirts are now on sale for $12. Choose from heathered blue or black. Go to the Senior Canvas Course to order and to see the design. You may pay by debit/credit card in the business office, or by check to the main office. You must order through the link in order to get a shirt. T-shirts will be ready after the winter holidays. See Mrs. Koppitch for more information.
Do you want to give back to your community this holiday season? Participate by donating canned and dry goods during this Holiday Season with Tri-M Music Honor Society Food Drive. From Nov. 16 to Dec. 13, Tri-M will be hosting a Food Drive with the Bread of the Mighty Food Bank in Alachua County. You can drop off canned and dry goods in specially marked Bread of the Mighty bins around the school. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Martin. This year, let’s all make a difference as a PKY community and help our greater community.
Due to Testing today, the bells will be turned off for periods 1-3.
Middle School Baseball Tryouts will be held at 2 PM on Wednesday, 12/8. To participate in tryouts, you must have turned in a completed physical form to Coach Barrett. Forms are available on the website or in the front office. Reach out to Coach Brunson with any questions. JV and Varsity Baseball tryouts will take place on Monday, January 17th at 1 PM.
There will be one last varsity letterman jacket fitting/ordering on Monday, December 6th during high school lunch outside of Nwing. Please bring your order form and payment to the fitting. Any questions please speak with Coach Barrett.
“We are approaching our drop/add period for Spring Semester classes. Approved schedule changes are typically for class re-take, missing a class period, or for seniors needing to fulfill a graduation requirement. The form will be available Monday, December 6 in the front office and closes Wednesday December 8 at 4pm. Please review your schedule through skyward. If you are unsure of how to access your schedule via skyward, go to the counseling canvas shell announcements that provide instructions.”
Thespian Club! We have a lunch meeting on Thursday! Please make sure that you attend, as this meeting contains special information about our district competition this Saturday!
Please pause for a moment of silence: Hang up and start again for the pledge
Please stand for the pledge:
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Have a wonderful day Blue Wave!
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