Announcements – Tuesday, September 3

September 4, 2024

Good morning, Blue Wave. Today is Tuesday, September 3rd. 

MS Football Game 

Middle School football game is a home game today at 6pm. Please come out and support!


There will be an AIGA meeting tomorrow morning at 8 AM in  Mrs. Bennett’s room Q502. Come find out what positions are available to run for if you’re interested in being an officer. Hope to see you there!

MS Basketball

Attention all Boy’s Middle School Potential Basketball Players 

Please come by the table in front of the Cafeteria during lunch on Friday to pick up information for preseason conditioning.  There will also be information about tryouts and the upcoming season for anyone who is interested.  

Let’s get ready for a great basketball season.  Go Blue Wave

Gaming Club 

Gaming Club starts THIS WEEK!

Gaming Club is a club for people who enjoy playing board games or other tabletop games. Both Middle School and high school students are welcome to join.

We will meet Thursdays after school in Mr. Lincoln’s room (Blue 316). Come and join the fun!


Are you a 9-12 grade girl who wants to play in the Powderpuff flag football game during homecoming week? Signup with Coach Barrett during lunch in front of the cafeteria today through Thursday. 


There will be a National English Honors Society (NEHS) meeting on 9/4 Wednesday during lunch in 336 Green Ms. Franklin’s room.  All current and prospective members should attend and bring completed membership applications. Please be sure to add a parent signature to your application as well.  

High Tide MCs

9th -12th graders – we need your school spirit! Interested in being one of the MCs for High Tide? We’re holding interest meetings and tryouts on Tuesday at 8:30 and on Wednesday at 3:50 in the Green 1 wing. You don’t have to come to both, only 1! Come show us your energy and help hype the crowd with skits, games, and more. Questions? Ask Mrs. Koppitch or any Student Government student.

Softball Fall Ball 

Softball Fall Ball will start Monday September 16th. Conditioning and Training will be Monday-Thursday 4:30-6pm. It will last from September through October. All students wanted to participate MUST have an updated physical form and signed parent/player consent forms (documents can be downloaded from the P.K. Yonge website). For more details please contact Softball Head Coach Daryl Mosley

Traffic Reminders

Beginning today, there will be some changes to our traffic procedures,  The south gate near the gym will open at 7:30 instead of 8:30, and for those of you who have been getting dropped off early, please encourage your driver to use the south gate for a quicker and less congested drop off experience. 

In the afternoon, the gym is a much more efficient place for pick-up.  Very few people have been using the 16th Avenue entrance, so the line is moving much faster than the line at 6th Street.  Share this secret with your parents.

FINALLY, listen up!  

Beginning TODAY, no one will be allowed to exit the 6th Street gate on foot.  If you plan to walk off campus at the end of the day, you must use the gate by the guard house.  This is to prevent the dangerous behavior we have seen… like students dashing through traffic to get to their parents’ illegally parked cars, etc.  No more walking through the 6th street gate to meet up with your ride.  All walkers must exit on the west side of campus near the gate guard.  Please share this information with your families; they will also get a message from Dr. Geiger. 

Thanks for your cooperation.  We are trying to keep you safe.  

Happy birthday to Officer Belleville! 


Please pause for a moment of silence: 

Please stand for the pledge: 

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 

Have a great day Blue Wave! 


Announce 9/11

Today we will be taking a little extra time on the morning announcements to acknowledge Patriot Day.  This memorial holiday was established in December of 2001 by the US Government in honor of those whose lives were severely impacted due to the terrorist attack that occurred in the United States on September 11, 2001.  The law states that the flag of the United States should be flown at halfstaff and that we should observe a moment of silence on Patriot Day in honor of the individuals who lost their lives. 

The terrorist attacks happened 23 years ago. You all were not yet born. Because of that, it may be difficult to understand the significance of Patriot Day or why the State of Florida would insist that we take time to teach and learn about 9/11 each year.  Historians suggest that this event may be one of the most significant moments in American History, however, and it brought about big changes in the lives of Americans, some that impact you even though you have not known things to be any other way.  

Melody Barnes, executive director of the Karsh Institute of Democracy at the University of Virginia wrote,  “The way we think about security – how we move through airports and public spaces, how we secure our public buildings – changed significantly. With that came new privacy concerns and worries about excessive government surveillance. We have only rarely been threatened on American soil, and 9/11 in many ways ended a sense of innocence and freedom of movement that many Americans had.It also shifted issues of privacy and animated a renewed and more intense debate about how we balance our liberties, including privacy, with threats to the U.S., and how we do that without profiling people and generating discrimination.” 

Our country felt a great sense of vulnerability after 9/11, but we also sensed a renewed appreciation for the heroes who work to protect us and keep us safe every day.  As the New York Post editorial board stated, “Every 9/11 anniversary is a day of tremendous sadness but also one of awe and gratitude for so many firefighters, police and civilians who faced down horror and fear to serve us all. Never forget.”

If you would like to learn more about the events of 9/11, we will be posting some links from the 9/11 Memorial and Museum and the Florida Department of Education on the announcements page of our website. 

Now, we will pause for a special moment of silence in memory and respect for those whose lives were lost on September 11, 2001.  



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