Announcements – Tuesday, September 24

September 24, 2024

Good morning, Blue Wave. Today is Monday, Tuesday 24th.

PSAT Digital Readiness Check

Good morning grades 9-11 students and faculty, today, we will be conducting the PSAT Digital Readiness Check during the last part of the day. 

 At 2:45, students and faculty will move to their PSAT testing locations to conduct this digital readiness check. Please be sure to bring your Chromebooks tomorrow to complete this check.

 To find your testing location for the PSAT, check the lists that have been posted on the fishbowl windows in 1st floor green, third floor blue and third floor green.


Due to the projected inclement weather, the Powderpuff game will be held on Wednesday at 11:30am Tickets are $3 and will be sold Tuesday at lunch and Wednesday before school. 


PK STUDENTS! This Friday, September 27th, our bluewave football team has their homecoming game against Central Florida Christian at 7:00 pm. The student section theme is shipwrecked. Dress as a pirate! There will be a wave rally starting at 6:00 with paint, glitter, tattoos, beads and more. During half time there will be the announcements of the homecoming court. Come and support our football team and homecoming court!

Peer Tutors 

Attention all high school Peer Tutors: We will have our monthly meeting during lunch on Monday, September 23rd in Ms. Roach’s room, Blue 312. Pease speak with Ms. Roach if you are unable to attend.


There will be an NEHS- National English Honors Society meeting at lunch in Mrs. Franklin’s room 336 green on Wednesday 9/25. Membership applications are due at this time.  New and returning members are welcome.

Best Buddies

Best Buddies will meet in Mrs. Czyz’s room, 333, on Tuesday, Sept. 24 during lunch. See you there! 

Gaming Club 

Gaming Club is now being held on Tuesdays and Thursdays!

Come to Mr. Lincoln’s room (Blue 316) after school for fun and games. All high school and middle school students who enjoy games are welcome to join us.

Tuesdays! Thursdays! Games! Fun! Tuesdays! Thursdays!

HoCo Dress Up Days

STUDENTS! Listen up for this year’s homecoming dress up days starting today. 

  • Tuesday, September 23rd, coquette vs. camo. Dress up either coquette or camo! 
  • Wednesday, September 25th, Adam Sandler day! Dress up as Adam Sandler in your comfy clothes! 
  • Thursday, September 26th, Surfers vs. Bikers. Dress up as either a surfer or biker. 
  • Friday, September 27th, Spirit day! Dress up in your best blue wave spirit

HoCo Parade

It’s homecoming week and that means this Friday is the homecoming parade! This year the parade will take place in the top circle by the elementary building. Students who are NOT participating in the parade with a club or team MUST report to their 1st period class. Classes will walk up to the circle after attendance is taken – around 9:20. Please find a place to watch the parade on the grassy area and inner curb by the anchor, or on the blue benches. Make sure you stay BEHIND the elementary school classes – remember they are much smaller than you and want to see, too! 

HoCo Court

High School Students – it’s time to vote for your homecoming court! Vote through the forms sent to you through your canvas email. Voting for king and queen and prince and princess ends on Wednesday, September 25th at midnight and will be announced at High Tide on Thursday, September 26th!

Pre-Collegiate Club 

The Pre-Collegiate Club will hold its first meeting for members and prospective members on Thursday, October 3rd in the first floor commons during lunch at 1:40 PM.  This club is open to juniors and seniors who are interested in learning more about transitioning to college.  Come to the meeting on October 3rd to hear about our first college visit.  


Please pause for a moment of silence. 

Please stand for the Pledge:

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and Justice for all.

Have a great day, Blue Wave!

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