Announcements – Tuesday, April 18
April 18, 2023Good morning! Today is Tuesday, April 18th
BSU Field Trip
Permission slips for the Black Student Union, May 12th College Tour can be accessed in the lobby of the Secondary building, with Ms. V. The $25 fee is due by Monday, May 1st, and can be paid on the Hometown ticketing app, or by accessing the link on the PKY BSU Instagram Page. Space is limited.”
College & Career Fair
Attention 8th-12th grade students and families: Please join us on April 20th from 5:30 until 7:00 for our College and Career Fair. We will have over 20 college and careers represented with opportunities to receive prizes.
Tri- M (Music Honor Society)invites you to come out to our Performing Arts Fundraiser for a night of pure entertainment. We’ve got talent from rock band to singers, acting skits and dance! Money raised will be split evenly between all of the performing arts programs. Tickets are $5 on the Hometown App. Performers, please check your pky emails for Cabaret rehearsal times from Mrs. Hemmerich and to view information she still needs from you. See you there!
Thespians will meet Thursday 4/20 during HS lunch in Mrs. Hemmerich’s room
Good Luck Boys Varsity Tennis!
PK Teachers and Students — come support the PK Boys Varsity Team in the Regional Semi-Finals TODAY at 3pm at Westside Park Tennis Courts! The boys would love your support, and hope to see you there today at 3pm!
Student Government Elections for 2023-2024
Attention 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th graders!
It’s time to elect next year’s grade level senators and student body officers.
If you are interested in running for an office:
- Pick up an information sheet and contract form in the main office starting on April 14th (that’s today).
- Fill out the contract, get it signed, and return it to Mrs. Koppitch by Friday, April 21st.
- Create a video of a speech (under 2 min) telling us why you are the best candidate for the office.
- Save your video with your name, and the grade level and office you’re running for (PeterPan_StudentBodySecretary, Tinkerbell_11thSenator)
- Upload that video to your P.K. Yonge Google drive, and share the file with Mrs. Koppitch.
- Specify the office you are running for in your submission (9th Grade Senator).
- Submit your speech video by Friday, April 28th.
Only rising 11th and 12th graders may run for the student body offices.
QUESTIONS? Talk to any current student government member, or watch the information video on their Instagram page at bluewavestudentgov.
Senior “GO” Week
Next week is Go Week for the seniors, but we can all celebrate with them with dress up days.
Dress up days
- 18th – “Dress to Impress”
- 19th – Soccer mom vs bbq dad
- 20th – Enroll, enlist, employ – Seniors, dress to represent what you will be doing next year. Everyone else, dress as what you want to be or where you want to attend school.
- 21st – Dress as your favorite teacher
The yearbook would like to take pictures of anyone who is dressed up each day. If you are interested, meet in the courtyard outside the front office at the end of lunch each day.
Grad Bash
Seniors – Grad Bash is Saturday, April 22nd. There are important reminders and information in the senior newsletter and canvas course. Don’t miss out! If you have any questions, see Mrs. Koppitch.
Color Guard Interest Meetings
The PK Yonge Color Guard interest meeting and spin clinics will be held after school on Tuesday April 25th and Thursday April 27th from 3:30 to 5:00pm in the band room! Any interested 7th through 11th grade students are encouraged to attend to learn more about joining the team!!
No Bells Today
Due to senior project presentations beginning at 9am and concluding at 1pm, the school bells will be off today.
Please pause for a moment of silence:
Please stand for the pledge:
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
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