Announcements – Tuesday, April 16

April 16, 2024

Good morning, Blue Wave. Today is Tuesday, April 16.

Congrats Wind Ensemble

The PK Yonge Ensemble performed on Friday night at Lincoln middle school at the 2024 FBA music performance assessment. After a riveting and spectacular performance on stage and in sight reading, The wind ensemble earned straight superior ratings from all judges, which is the highest rating a band can earn. One can receive at this event. A huge congratulations to the members of the PK Young wind ensemble for their outstanding performance, you represented PK in the highest way possible way to go! 

Congrats Softball 

Congrats to softball on their 13-5 win over Hawthorne last night!

Scented Pencils Fundraiser

6th grade will be selling scented pencils and stickers during middle school lunch this week. The price of the scrumptious scented pencils are $2 each or 3 for $5 and stickers are 50 cents a piece. 

Bragging Rights Fundraiser

Hey, PK! Guess What? No School on Friday! 

Come celebrate the long weekend at the PK Yonge Family Night at Bragging Rights Arcade on Thursday, April 18. Stop in any time between 3pm and 10pm. Be sure to mention P.K. Yonge and 40% of your ticket will come right back to support the 8th Grade End of Year Celebrations! 

Did you hear that Dr. Weller is a champion Frogger player? I’m serious. She’s got trophies and everything. I wonder if anyone is going to challenge her on Thursday? Let’s go to Bragging Rights on Thursday and see if someone tries to take the Frogger crown from her. We’ll bring family and friends and be sure to mention P.K. Yonge! Let’s help the 8th graders have a memorable end of year celebration! 


Hey PK! It’s time to celebrate the silver lining with prom season and it’s time for juniors and seniors to get their tickets. Ticket sales for our prom on May 18th are officially open on the HomeTown ticketing app for $65 through this month, prices increase to $75 in May, and sales close completely on May 15th. Scan the QR code that is accessible on flyers, the TVs, and the bluewavestudentgov Instagram to get to HomeTown ticketing. Again, ticket prices increase to $75 starting in May, and sales close completely on May 15th. Make sure to get your 65 dollar ticket any day in April or your $75 ticket starting May 1st-May 15th. We’ll see you on the dance floor, Blue Wave!

Student Government

Still interested in being a part of Student Government? Applications are now open for grade level representatives. Information sheets and contracts are available in the front office. Contracts are due back to Mrs. Koppitch by Thursday, April 18th. You will receive a link for an application once we receive your contract. Interviews will take place April 25th-30th. Questions? Ask a Student Government member or Mrs. Koppitch

Powder Buff Volleyball

Powder Buff Volleyball is back! Join us in the gym on Thursday, April 18th at 11:40 am. There are two ways to join the action: Sign up to play or buy a ticket to watch. Space is limited to the first 20 boys who sign up and bring their $5 fee to high school lunch. Tickets are $3 for spectators in grade 8-12. 


Please pause for a moment of silence: 

Please stand for the pledge: 

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 

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