Announcements, Tuesday, 9.10.19
September 10, 2019Today is Tuesday, September 10 and it is a B Day.
All UNICEF members our school cleaning day has been changed to September 18 after school. Please remember that books donations and books cover are also due September 18.
Do you love science? Do you love competing? Join Science Olympiad! Any high school student interested in joining the Science Olympiad team should stop by room Q-502, Mrs. Davis’s room (Dr. MacDonald’s old room), to pick up a permission form. Permission forms are due by September 19.
Our Capoeira Brazilian performance is looking for students who would like to learn capoeira and be in our September 27th Performance Please see Mrs. Santiago and Julia Lemos after school tomorrow in room Z-1427. This is open to high school and middle school students.
High School Students interested in joining our photography club please plan on stopping by Ms. Johnson’s room in N building during high school lunch on Thursday! We will make plans for our off campus photo shoot adventures for the 1st Semester. You do not need to own a camera to participate! See you Thursday!
Middle School Junior Art Honors Society will meet Wednesday during lunch to discuss membership, art ,and community projects for the 1st Semester! See you in Ms. Johnson’s room in N building on Wednesday!
Do you have brothers, sisters, cousins, parents, aunts, uncles, or even grandparents who went to PK, too? Our yearbook wants to feature PK families this year. Check out the link on the yearbook page and fill out the survey if you want to be a part of the PK Families page in the yearbook!
Middle School Members of National Junior Honor Society
Please bring your lunch to the west side of the cafeteria this Friday to have our first meeting. We will welcome new members and begin planning our booth for the carnival. MIDDLE SCHOOLERS: Please note that the West Side of the cafeteria will be reserved for NJHS during middle school lunch on Friday.
Congratulations to the P.K. golf team who defeated Buchholz last night 153-158. Low round goes to Jake Davis shooting a 1 under 34. Good luck this Thursday vs Providence and Forest.
THESPIANS: We are in full swing for district IE’s . All events must be registered with Ms. Snyder by September 16th. Go Thespians!
If you want to engage in academic state competitions in STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and math), please join our Creative Diversity Club. We will have our first meeting TODAY room M-345 (Dr. De Leon’s room), at lunch, for high school students.
Thanks to those of you who have been cleaning up after yourselves at the end of lunch. Tumblin’ Creek thanks you!
Attention high schoolers: Are you interested in upping your fighting game skills? Think you already have what it takes? Have you ever wanted to learn old-school card games like rummy and hearts? Want to learn to play dominoes? Dice games like Flat Busted? TODAY at 2:30 the Tournament Arc club will be meeting in Mr. Mathien’s room, Q-506. We’ll discuss club guidelines, activities, and what the club is all about. Come visit after school to learn more.
Art club begins Thursday, September 12th after school, and will meet every Thursday until 4pm. All High schoolers interested in making art and sharing their skills are welcome. Come create with us!
National Art Honor Society also begins Thursday the 12th, and will meet every Thursday during high school lunch.
Fall Baseball will start on Tuesday September 17th from 4-6pm. Practices will be every Tuesday and Thursday . This for 6-12th grades. All players must attend study hall immediately after school; the location for study hall TBA before the 17th . All players must have a current sports physical on file with Coach Barrett before they can practice or play fall baseball. Players need to wear shorts, a T-shirt, hat and cleats , as well as a pair of running shoes. If you have not let Coach Brunson know that you are interested in participating in Fall Baseball, please see him during lunch this week.
Marine Science Outing Club will meet today during high school lunch in Ms. Andrews’ room. Come help us plan our field trips!
The Rotary Youth Exchange Program will have an informative table during High School lunch on Thursday, September 12. Please see them to learn more about their program.
Key Club is holding a hurricane relief drive through Friday, September 27th. Please bring in donations of baby items, metal nails, toiletries, feminine hygiene products, blankets, batteries, canned goods, and gallons of water to Mr. Lemstrom in K-332 or Ms. Andrews in O-362.
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