Announcements, Tuesday 8/21

August 21, 2018

Today is Tuesday, August 21, and it is a B Day.  Today you will attend periods 4, 5 & 6.


If you missed locker sign ups in the cafeteria, you can come to the front office after school to request a locker.

Please remember you must have your parking pass by Friday.  They cost $25 and can be purchased in the business office.

If you are tardy to school or class, please report to the tardy kiosk closest to your location — either the front office or the ISD room located in K331.

The 2018 Hispanic Heritage Month essay and art contests for K-12 students is now open.  Please visit: for more details.

The first Key Club meeting of the year will take place today during high school lunch, in Ms. Andrews’ room (O-362).  If you are interested in having fun while earning your service hours, Key Club is the place to be! All high school students are welcome.

Lost and Found is now located in the front office.  Items will be donated each month, so if you lose something, ask about it right away. Found Lunch boxes and other food-related items will be placed on the hallway shelf in the lunchroom. There are MANY lunchboxes in the cafeteria.  Please claim yours if you lost it!

Today, friends from our partner school in China will be in classrooms throughout the day. Please be sure to welcome them if they are in your classes.

If you are a National Honor Society member and are still interested in running for office, please see Dr. Weller by Thursday..

The vote for Homecoming Court begins today and ends on Thursday August 23rd. You can vote in your social studies class by using the link provided by your teacher on the white board or on their Google classroom or Canvas page. You can also vote by going to the Student Council Twitter account and clicking on the nomination link, or by going to the P.K. Yonge Student Council Club page on the P.K. Yonge website and clicking on the link for your grade level. You can only vote for students in your grade level. Seniors can only vote for seniors, freshman can vote for freshman, etc. The ballot will close on Thursday August 23rd. Vote for your 2018 Homecoming Court today!

From Senora Santiago: If you like Global Poetry and would like to participate in the Poetry Out Loud competition please meet us this Tuesday during lunch.

Hispanic Honor Society will start meeting this Wednesday during lunch. All current and new members must attend.

If you are interested in belonging to the Cultural Awareness Club, please meet us this Friday during lunch. Our meetings are the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month.

UNICEF club meetings will start next week on Friday during lunch.


We are excited about kicking off the 2018 BlueWave football season at home this coming Friday night.  We will pump up our team and gear up for our first victory at a Pep Rally at the end of the school day.   There will be a contest to see which class shows the most spirit by wearing designated colors:

o   Seniors – blue

o   Juniors – white

o   Sophomores – orange

o   Freshmen –  gray


There will be a 6th-12th grade Fall Baseball Meeting TODAY at 2:45 in the dugout. At this meeting, Coach Brunson will let players know which fall team they will be on  — either on the Middle School team or the JV/Varsity Combo team. Fall Ball will start on September 4th. The JV/Varsity Combo team will practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30-5:30; the Middle School Team will practice on Wednesdays from 2:00-4:00. All Fall Ball games are Away games, and no bus will be provided. All players must have a current Sports Physical on file with Coach Barrett by September 4th.  If you have any questions, see Coach Brunson.

Performing Arts & Theatre Students: REMINDER

All 6th-12 grade students involved in theatre and performing arts, please remember the parent meeting, tonight in the PAC at 6:00.  You must have a parent present to represent you at this meeting.

Please stand for the pledge: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Have a great day!


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