Announcements, Tuesday
February 7, 2017Athletics
Congratulations to the Lacrosse team who beat Newberry last night, 11-6. Nice way to start the season!
Cheerleaders will be selling $1.00 sno-cones on Tuesdays and Thursdays right afterschool at the cafeteria all spring. Please come out and support the cheerleading program!
The National Junior Honor Society will meet today during lunch in Dr. Cordero’s room I – 110.
Juniors! Have questions about college? Join us tomorrow for a free seminar at the Hilton UF Conference Center in Gainesville from 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM. If you are interested, please see Ms. Flinchum in the attendance office for the flyer and RSVP information.
Middle School B.O.S.S. will be meeting on Thursday, February 9th in Rm. J-306 during lunch. Lunch will be provided for current middle school members.
There is a coding club meeting in Mr. Holt’s room Q-506 on Thursday from 3-3:45, first timers are welcomed!
Health Smart Campaign
Today’s Health Smart Reminder: Snacking helps keep you from getting overly hungry in between meals and then overeating at your next meal. So next time you start to feel hungry a couple hours before lunch or dinner, don’t try to wait until the meal. Instead, eat a small healthy snack to tide you over. Combine a carbohydrate-rich food like whole grains, fruits or vegetables with protein foods like almonds or dairy products for the most filling snacks.
Congratulations to
Kia Taylor
Hailey Humphrey
Raven Burnham
Andrew Thomas
Nick Broadbent
DeJuan Mitchum
Timmy DePaul
Thiago Tremura
For signing the Health Smart Challenge!
Last day to purchase and submit senior ads for the 2016-17 yearbook is February 28. Visit or submit the form with a check made out to UF to Mr. Holt. For more information email Mr. Holt (
Seniors – Grad Bash money and permission slips are due this week. Please turn it in to the business office. Permission slips are available from Mr. Bice or on the web site.
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