Announcements, Tuesday, 4/30
April 30, 2019Today is Tuesday, April 30th and it is an A Day.
Congratulations to the JV Baseball Season for wrapping up their season with a 9-5 win over the Hawthorne Hornets last night. You made us proud, Blue Wave! We are already looking forward to your next season!
Key Club will meet during lunch today in Ms. Andrews’ room. All members: please plan to attend, and please be prompt! At this meeting, among other business, we will open vote for 2019-2020 club officers.
Wanna be a part of an award-winning family? Try out for the P. K. Yonge Colorguard! Auditions will take place TODAY from 3-5:30 in the band room. See you there!
Hello Middle school Acts of Random Kindness Club members.
We are meeting in Mrs. Ireland’s office this Wednesday, May 1st during lunch.
ATTENTION BASEBALL TEAM: You will be dismissed today at 1:45 PM. You should have your gear, be changed, be on the bus, and ready to depart at 2:15 PM. The bus is loading in the south parking lot.
Today is the last day the football team will be holding tryouts for place kickers and punters. Soccer players are greatly encouraged to tryout. If you are interested, please come see Coach McDonald or send him an email on Canvas. Kicking is a valuable skill set and a great way to be a part of the football team!
Seniors, please remember to fill out a “Final” transcript request form and turn in to Mrs. Flinchum or Ms. Bryen to have your transcript sent to the College you are going to attend.
Today is W day for the Z-A countdown; hopefully you remembered to wear white or a wig. Tomorrow is V Day – Vocabulary day- dress up like a word you’ve learned this year, wear a vest. The entire Z-A list can be found on the website under announcements.
The Cade Museum is currently recruiting high school volunteers ages 16 and older to be volunteers for our 2019 Summer Camp Volunteer Program. Volunteers will help to make our summer camps an engaging, positive learning experience for all participants. This is a great opportunity for high school students to get involved in the community as well as earn community service hours. Find an informational flyer on the announcements page. Applications are due TODAY.
Seniors! The College Information and Readiness Club is bringing U-day to PK. TOMORROW, the senior class is invited to celebrate their college commitments by wearing any shirt from the school they’ve chosen to attend. On the same day, seniors are also invited to sign their name on the College Board in the cafeteria at lunch. Show your post-secondary school spirit, blue wave! You’ve earned it.
All high school students going to China in the fall will meet this Thursday during high school lunch in Mr. Kovach’s room. All middle school students going to China in the fall will meet this Thursday during middle school lunch in Dr. Cordero’s room. Please check the Canvas announcement for more details.
The Alachua County summer driver education program is still enrolling students for their summer driving classes. If you are interested you can contact Scott Pritchett at 352-955-6959, pick up a form in the front office, or go to the Alachua County Schools website to sign up on line. For further information see Coach Johnson.
ATTENTION 7th and 8th Graders: Dr. Cordero and Mrs. Sheppard are trading classrooms TODAY. All 8th grade students should report to I-wing (I-112, Dr. Cordero’s classroom) for their science class and all 7th grade students will go to Ms. Sheppard’s classroom in the N–wing for their science class.
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