Announcements, Tuesday 2/12
February 12, 2019Today is Tuesday, February 12th and it is a B Day.
Good luck to the Girls Soccer Team as they advance to the Regional Finals tonight at Trinity Prep in Winter Park.
Come out to support the Lady Wave Basketball team for their regional semifinals game at home on Thursday night. The Boys Varsity Team will play in the Regional Final on Friday night in Maclay. Go Blue Wave!
BSU members – we have a meeting after school TODAY in Mr. Miller’s room. We’ll be discussing our community service project plans.
TECA day (Taquitos, Empanadas, Croquetas and Arepas) is on Thursday, February 14 after school. This event to help the Hispanic Honor Society.
PK Students: The National Junior Honor Society is collecting items to create Busy Bags for children with extended hospital stays at Shands. We are collecting coloring books, crayons, playdough, puzzles, Saduko, and word puzzle books. If you would like to help kids at Shands beat the boredom of extended hospital stays please bring some of these items to Mrs. Beckett’s classroom in I-109.
If you are interested in exploring the many fields of engineering, meet in Z-1428, Mrs. Tijerino’s portable down by the gym, TODAY after school. Meeting is open to middle and high school students. For more information, see Mrs. Tijerino.
Attention students: TODAY the College Information and Readiness Club will be selling Valentine’s Day cards in the cafeteria. TODAY and Wednesday, the same club will be selling baked goods. All sales will go towards funding for the club.
Middle School Students interested in Photography and Clay be sure to stop by Ms. Johnson’s art room to join the art club for the upcoming sessions!
Photography Club for Middle School begins February 18!
The football team would like to invite everyone to a Valentine’s Day Eve (TOMORROW) gathering at Tijuana Flats on Archer Road. Come show your support for the team by having a burrito. 20% of the sales goes back to PK Football. The first 100 guests get a Valentine’s Day hug from Coach Mac!
Attention students! The College Information and Readiness Club is holding a contest for all you Valentine’s Day lovers! To enter, you must write a love letter to anything or person and give it to Ms. Bryen by Thursday. The club will judge based on 4 categories: funniest, most romantic, best overall, and most unique. The winner of each category will be awarded with one of four amazing prizes, which includes free pizza. Interested? Then get creative!
Attention high school students: PK Yonge will be competing at the annual Chemathon competition at the University of Florida this coming April. The competition includes a written test, a “Quiz Bowl” style competition against other schools, tours of chemistry research labs at UF, and an exciting chemistry demonstration at the end of the day. Any student in grades 10-12 who has already taken or is currently taking chemistry and is interested in participating should attend the interest meeting in Mr. McCrea’s room O-361 during high school lunch on Wednesday, February 13th. If you are unable to attend, but would still like to participate, please let Mr. McCrea know by the end of the week.
A reminder that vaping and juuling are strictly prohibited on campus and at all school-sponsored events. One teaspoon of juul juice can be fatal to a small child, and we have very young children on our K-12 campus. What you may think of as harmless fun is extremely dangerous. Putting other students at risk — especially our youngest PKY family members — will not be tolerated. Engaging in juuling, or being in possession of the paraphernalia, could result in serious punishment, up to expulsion from P. K. Yonge.
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